the fight

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Nevaeh pov

I was helping Wanda move people with our powers linked together.
She fall to the ground exhausted.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I helped her up.

"It was a lot..." she said and I saw robots starting to come in our direction.

"You haven't seen anything yet," I said and took out my cards, it's time to work for a living.


At some point I ran out of cards, it was time to take the big guns out.

I took out a red ribbon and started to wrap it around my fingers.

"A ring, a ring of roses.
His pockets lined with stones and ashes, ashes, he falls down dead.
A ring, a ring of roses.
His blood like water flows and ashes, ashes, he falls down dead.
A ring, a ring of roses.
A pocket full of posies.
One for Jack..." I kept singing as robots started to fall down to the ground.

"That's good but we need something stronger than that!" Cap said, "how about the thing you used on the Chitauri?"

"It will only work if the ones I'm cursing are alive," I replied.

"But I have something else," I said this is dangerous.

"I call forth the witches from the shade. Those who came before us, and died, so that we might live.
Visit us, Sisters.
Intercede on our behalf.
I call forth the powers of Lilith, of Aradia, of Morgan le Fay.
Visit us, Sisters. Intercede on our behalf.
I call on Black Annis, I call on Anne Boleyn.
I call on the Witch of Endor.
Visit us, Sisters.
Intercede on our behalf.
I call on Hecate, on Artemis, on Luna to expel this demon.
Visit us, Sisters.
Intercede on our behalf.
I call on Hildegard of Bingen, I call Marie Laveau.
I call Tituba, I call Mary Bradbury. Visit us, Sisters.
Intercede on our behalf.
I call Nehman, Badb, Macha.
Visit us, Sisters.
Intercede on our behalf.
I call Circe, I call Moll Dyer. Visit us, Sisters. Intercede on our behalf.
I call on Juventas, the virgin, on Juno, the mother.
Lend us your power.
Visit us, Sisters.
Intercede on our behalf.
I call upon Sybil Leek.
I call upon Priscilla Spellman.
I call upon Francis Spellman.
I call upon Evanora and Locasta Spellman. Come forth, Kindly Ones. Come forth, Mother of Darkness. Lend us your power. Expel the demon Apophis! Visit us, Sisters. Intercede on our behalf.
Visit us, Sisters.
Intercede on our behalf.
Visit us, Sisters.
Intercede on our behalf.
Visit us, Sisters.
Intercede on our behalf." I did it.
I summoned my coven.
They all died and will come to hunt me for this, but I need them now.

My coven came, my sisters, they were here.
Ghosts surrounded me as we all chanted together and tears rose to my eyes, I missed that, I truly did.

Wanda looked at me as she passed us, "who are those?" She asked me.

"My coven, my sisters." I smiled with tears running down my face, not just from happiness, keeping my sisters here took a  lot of power, a power I will run out of soon.

We kept chanting when I noticed we were going up.

"What the fuck?" I whispered and my sisters gave me a look as they continued chanting.

"Glad you like the view, Romanoff.
It's about to get better." I heard Nicky's voice, I thought my comm was down. "Bice, right?
Pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends.
She's dusty but she'll do."

"Fury you son of bitch."

"Ooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?" That's when I fall to the ground.

"Fuck." I cursed in Latin, I need to get up, please, stupid body! Work!

Darkness, the familiar place I hated so much, yet it was home.


"She's alive!" Someone yelled.

"How is that possible?" Someone else asked.

"I don't know." The first voice said.

"Shhh, I'm trying to sleep." I shushed them.

"Nevaeh, wake up." The second person said and I just turned to my side.

"Nooooooo!" I told them, "I want to sleep!"

"We don't have time for this, Capisce, grab her." The first voice told the second.

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