Chapter 11

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"This is cruel," a male voice said. "She's hurt. She needs assistance.'

"She'll be fine." A female voice answered.

'The Olvs will eat her alive."

She signed. "I deal with them after."

"So, we'll watch our little princess run like a maniac on the cameras." Another voice.

"This is not funny. She's not a puppet to be played with."

"She looks like one."

"Get fucked Rubinia."

"She needs to be tested." Someone said. "What if it's a trick?"

"You do doubt my abilities."

"You let her unsupervised, and they almost took her."

"Ooh! Someone got refuted."

"Shut up!"

Too many voices. Had she fallen asleep watching TV again?


She tried to force her eyes open, but they didn't follow the command.

She tried one more time, but nothing.

There was no strength in her body to move even the smallest muscle, doped by the pain.

It was a strange sensation. She knew the pain was there. A horrible pain that runs through the whole extension of her body. Burning. Her lips moaned as her body begged for help, but for a few seconds, she felt nothing. Numbness perhaps.

Her eyelids were heavy and, with little as she had, Rosé tried to identify whether she was lying somewhere or sitting down.

There was something on her back, keeping her from moving. The beats of her heart accelerated. She could hear them as if someone had ripped her heart out of her chest and placed it beside her ears.

She felt something warm touching her skin, easing the pain and allowing her to open her eyes.

It took her a while to sit up. Her vision was still half blurry by sunlight. The world spinning around her. She could hear birds singing and the softness of mud on the floor. Everything smelled fresh like the rain had just passed by, leaving the world with a soft aroma.

She inhaled, feeling the air fill her lungs, gathering strength to rise from the ground.

There were trees everywhere. Their tops prevented most of the light from entering. Luminous flowers and enormous mushrooms were the only thing that brought colour to the place. The gentle rustle of leaves danced in the breeze as white dandelions floated in the air, illuminating her surroundings.

There was something different in the air. A vibrant energy she couldn't quite understand. Filling her lungs with a sweet, almost intoxicated scent.

It felt peaceful.

The harmonical sound of birds singing mingled with the running water's chaos in the background.

I died, Rosé thought to herself.

Still sitting, she could notice the unproportionable size of the flowers. Perhaps she was delirious for hitting her head too hard, or the fact that Rosé had never spent much time in nature.

For a moment, she thought her lungs were so used to the pollution that clean air ended up affecting her brain. A reason was that she couldn't remember why and how she ended up there.

Rosélina searched through her memories for what could have led her to that place, but nothing. She could barely remember the last few days. It was like her brain was being rewritten.

A Dance in the Dark (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now