Chapter 12

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There was only an old and narrow passage in front of her composed of trunks and plants, made by Mother Nature years ago. Everything was covered in moss and some logs were no longer well connected, as perhaps they were one day.

There was no other way out and Dandara had left there alone after a long and silent walk through the forest.

Saved by the white dandelions turned into blue and illuminated the path through the forest after Dandara spoke in her dialect. Revelling the beauty hidden behind every tree and flower.

Many times, she believed the wind was whispering through the forest, singing in a calm melody, bringing peace to her heart.

Rosé climbed the steps, watching as the path became narrower every time she walked forward, to the point she could barely fit.

Moss covered most of the bridge. Her nails perforating in the wet wood after almost slipping many times. Arm aching from holding tight.

The bridge almost falling apart. Trembling at each step, she took. It appeared old enough that if Rosé added more weight, it would break.

Right foot first, testing whether it was firm enough to support her weight. Her hands touched the cold, moist wood on the sides and, with every step, her heart missed a beat.

She was tired of feeling her heart racing, there were times when she wanted to take it and throw it far away from her so she couldn't hear it beat, but she couldn't. She needed it inside her chest.

She needed to stay alive.

She couldn't give up now, not when she was already halfway there. The smell of fresh plants entered her lungs. Rosé could barely see the water running under the bridge. Her view obstructed by branches, leaving small gaps for her to see what was beneath her. She didn't know how deep it could be or what could be lurking in there.

Further on the bridge was a long space between the trunks, as if they had fallen or been torn off.

Despair took hold of her again.

As she approached, she could see the river. Crystalline water in a bluish tone that she had never seen.

Not in person, anyway.

The hole was too large for Rosé's legs. Even if she jumped, she wouldn't make it. It was almost two meters apart. Rosé took a step back almost falling to the ground. She crouched, her hands still holding firmly on the sides of the bridge. Tears ran down her cheeks as desperation reached her.

It took her a few seconds to recover. Her breathing was still uneven, like the air she was breathing was suffocating her. Her hands were trembling, fingers clenched into white-knuckled fists around the only thing she found around her.

"Okay," she sighed, closing her eyes. "Think,"

Perhaps you should trust nature — a voice hummed in the air — one foot at a time.

"What?" Rosé asked, voice rising, looking around for the woman who spoke.

You heard me. Trust nature and put one foot out at a time — For a moment Rosé thought it was something from her head. There was no one else there. On one side, plants, on the other, plants. Up, an incredibly blue sky, down, deadly water prepared to drown. Back, no one, just the path she had made.

Rosé laughed nervously, trying to keep her sanity. "Who are you? And where are you?"

I'm everywhere.

"Do you want me to put my foot in the abyss?" she asked, pointing to the hole.

There will be no abyss if you trust me.

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