An Alibi

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CHAPTER 4: An Alibi

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CHAPTER 4: An Alibi


"I know about your powers"

These few words took Anya aback, her eyes widened as she was shocked till her core, how could anyone know about her power when she hid it so elegantly. There was no way anyone could decipher that, even Agent Twilight couldn't find that even though he had many blind guesses in mind but still, the real question was, how could this lady standing in front of her guess this in their first meeting, or she knows about it for a Long time or is she a villain? Or so Anya thought of every possibility before speaking, or she won't be the daughter of her spy father!

"Before you take me as a bad guy..." the lady continued

Is she a mind reader too? Anya thought.

"I would like to clear up your doubts, I know you might be bewildered by the thought that how did I know about your powers? Because I'm one of the culprits who created them?"

A surge of shock went through Anya's body. The lady because Anya wields this power is standing right in front of her. Anya is very talkative otherwise but now she was at loss for words.

"W-What?" That's all she was able to speak. She didn't even know if the lady was telling truth or not. But she just wanted the justification.

"Yes, first of all, I want to deeply apologize for all the agonizing process you had to go through to gain this power, not to mention that you didn't want this power but you were given... forcefully. I'm sorry you and all the others with you had to go through such hardships, that too against your will" the lady few times to Anya, presenting her apology.

"You are not lying" Anya stated, as she could read every next line in her mind and no other thoughts.

"I'm not!" The lady gave a promising look, "if you must accept my apology, I would like to speak ahead" She asked gently for her permission to continue.

"If you know about my powers, you might also know about their diminishing property," Anya asked.

"Yes I do"

"So, you know my mind stopped working for a year, so does it mean that they are gone?"

"No they are not, I mean not completely but they have stopped working a little"

Anya's face had a big question mark.

"Well, you see to put it in simple words, if any machine or any kind of thing is working for a long time it becomes a little shabby, like a knife, it's sharp in beginning but as you use it for a long period, it's edge starts getting blunt" This example might have helped Anya understood what exactly happened with her power.

"Then what you have to do, you have to sharpen the knife a little, then it is as good as good new!" The lady exclaimed.

"So you mean my powers are not gone but a little reduced?" Anya asked


"But I couldn't use my power since that day, how do you know they are not gone?"

"Well, you just used your powers"

"I did?"

"Yes, you did when you wanted to find if was telling the truth or not, without that you wouldn't have listened to what I had to say"

It was true! Anya did use her powers but apparently, she didn't know herself.

"As I said, you have been using your power for a long time that you cannot tell difference between yourself thinking and using the power, and this is where you think your powers are gone but you have been using them unknowingly all this time, and just so they are little diminished, you couldn't tell the difference, but to think, you didn't forget them, you just adapted with them!" The lady explained.

The explanation was reasonable.

"I want... I want to sharpen my powers!" Anya clenched her palms and requested the lady.

"I... I want to help Papa with his..." and then she stopped, thinking she was being too honest, and this is where she needed to stop.
"You want to help your Papa with?" The lady raised one of her eyebrows.

"Umm," Anya started thinking harder to give a reasonable answer.

"You want to help your Papa with his mission?" The lady gave out a little smirk.

"GAHH" Anya was astounded, "H-how do you know??" She somehow managed to ask this.

"Because I can read minds too!" She pursed her lips.

"Unlike the other scientists, I, myself became a guinea pig for my experiment because I knew it would be successful, and that is why I'm the one who can help you bring back your powers too, not to mention, that's what I'm here for!"

"So you know everything? Even about my Papa and Mama"

"Yes I do, but I don't want to get involved in political or any other issues by any means so don't worry, my sole purpose here is just to help you get back your powers! Because you and I are the only survivors of this potential and I want to repay for your hardships and as these powers seem to be useful to you, I've decided to bring them back instead of ceasing them" the lady gave out a promising look.

"So are you ready to have your powers back?" Lady asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yess!" Anya jumped, "Thank you for helping me!"

"Good girl, don't worry, I'll make sure you have your powers back"

Anya gave out a cheery smile, she was happy to get her powers back, before anyone could say anything, there was a knock on a door, indicating the end of this conversation and time for Anya to get back home.

"Anya, Soon you are going to be fine" Loid assured her as he grabbed Anya's little hand a little bit tighter while walking on the road.

As the Forgers saw the shadings of orange, yellow, and pink flawlessly spread over the sky, clouds slowly hug the sun as if to cover it in their milky white froth. With birds chirping and soaring through the sky, spreading their wings, and the winds showing them the way home, everyone was getting back home!

Yes, Papa, soon everything will be fine and the world will be at peace too, sooner! Anya thought.

There was dawn of the new beginnings


Founder of the mind-reading introduced!!!!
But now it's completely going off track the manga so here we go!!
Thank you for reading, please comment your thoughts and,
Have a good day/night<3
Oh, here, Bond wants to say something,

Oh, here, Bond wants to say something,

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