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one: best summer ever

     Juliette woke up to the smell of burnt toast and the voices of her two sisters coming from the kitchen. Furrowing her brows in annoyance, she turned around and tried to go back to sleep, but the next door's dog barking prevented from doing so too. Finally, she sat up in her bed and looked around her room, noticing that it was already 11 am of the last day of her first week of Summer. And she had done nothing at all. 

     With her eyes still adjusting to the little light that entered her room, she took her phone, smiling softly at the lock screen background: a picture of her and her best friend, E.J. Caswell, the day of the latter's graduation. Both of them were looking at each other, smiling truthfully. She could not believe that, in just a year, they were going to be separated by a 32 hour drive. Well, the truth is that she could, which is why E.J. and her father had been giving her driving lessons, with the hopes that she will be able to take the car and visit him if she so wished. The boy had really warmed up Juliette's family's hearts, who were wary of any boy after what they had witnessed with Ricky not too long ago.

     She opened Instagram, only to see photos of people partying the previous night, party that she had said no to. She honestly did not feel up to it and it was probably related to the fact that she had had to cancel all the plans she had done for the season, taking into account how much her personal relationships had changed. While her and Alex still talked from time to time, they were not close enough to go on a weekend girl day together, much less to travel all across the country to see a musical. On the other hand, her and Ricky had not talked much lately, which prompted her to scratch all the stargazing, skating and arcade dates that they had planed back when they were still together. Soon, her Summer bucket list was empty. 

     As she passed the many unseen stories and liked some of her friends' pictures, her phone rang, startling her. She had to look at the caller ID twice in order to confirm that it was indeed Ashlyn asking her to FaceTime. She panicked for a second, considering that she was completely unpresentable and still half asleep, but picked it up anyway. It would not be the first time that Ashlyn saw her like this. 

     "Ash? Everything okay?" she asked, worried. Not that the two girls were not close, but I guess they were not close enough to randomly FaceTime each other at 11 in the morning. You would be surprised to know how much things had changed since their last opening night.

     "I need your help," she replied. "E.J. wants us all to come with him to that acting Summer camp."

     "The one he met Nini in?" Juliette questioned back, her memories taking her all the way back to her first day of Junior year. It felt like an eternity ago.

     "That one!" E.J. appeared from behind Ashlyn, "who knows, maybe you will find your Nini too. Or your... whatever. It will be the best Summer ever!"

     "I don't want a Summer love."

     "Come on, Jul," Ashlyn gave her a soft smile. "You have to get over Ricky, especially since... you know."

     "I am over Ricky and I don't care she is hanging out with that blonde witch," the redhead assured, more to herself than to her friends. "I just don't know if I am ready to put myself out there again, I don't want to get hurt. I look uglier when I cry."

     "Maybe you won't. Love is a thing too beautiful to miss out just because of one bad experience," E.J. intervened once again. No wonder he said that, his relationship with Gina was as good as can be. Juliette's ship had sailed as the Titanic in its first hours (let's just hope that it did not end like it too).

     "I don't know, Eej..."

     "I have heard this year there is a mystery celebrity..." he let out, raising his tone at the end and looking at the two girls, who immediately screeched in excitement. "I knew that would prompt you to come."

     The conversation was not much longer, ending with Juliette promising to ask her parents about Summer camp. And so she did, in the breakfast table.

     "Good morning, honey," her father kissed her head as her mother gave her a warm smile. They would be lying if they told you they were not worried about their daughter, seeing that she had been one to love Summer, but they decided it would be best to leave her and wait until she herself decided to talk to them.

     "Morning dad, mom," she kissed their cheeks, "dorks."

     "Hey!" the twins exclaimed, offended. 

     "Listen," Juliette started the conversation as soon as she had her bowl of cereal," E.J. called me this morning and... well, I know you are probably going to say no but he keeps insisting that we go to camp this Summer. It's okay if..."

     "Of course!" her mother quickly agreed, happy to see that her daughter was finally ready to stop whining and get together with more people her age.

     "It's okay, mom..." she began, before realising what her mother had answered. "Wait, really?"

     "Juli," her father stepped in, making Juliette cringe at the nickname, "we just want you to have a great Summer and, since we are not going on vacation this year, why not? I used to love camp when I was younger."

     "And think about how romantic it is," Ava commented, "toasting marshmellows in the bonfire sharing a blanket with a hot guy..."

     "Running from a bear holding hands..." Lisa continued, clearly mocking her older sister.

     "I just want to get away from both of you," Juliette joked, smiling and thanking her parents before sending a text to E.J.

     Maybe this will be her time to chase away that summertime sadness. Maybe it could be the best Summer ever.

lxngbottom speaks!

we're back!!! 

you have no idea of how excited 
i am to see juliette and the crew back together.
let's hope that this season does justice
to the first one because i am so thrilled
that they are putting on frozen

it is one of my favourite films and i
cannot wait to see what is going to
happen. who do you think will
get the lead roles?

tell me what you have thought about
the first chapter and the next day
i promise to start with the show already!


𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 - 𝐡𝐬𝐦𝐭𝐦𝐭𝐬 (𝐢𝐢𝐢) | ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum