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twenty-four: the realest it could get

Juliette took a quick look at the table and, indeed, there it was. A small card with her name next to one with Gina's. Excited, she took it and opened it with shaky hands.

I had to change this last minute, but I want you to know that I am so incredibly proud of you and have been since the very first day I met you.

I hope I can be a little more like you some day because you amaze me, Juliette Duchamp.

P.S. good luck with Ricky. That performance? No one can convince me you're not made for each other.

Love, Neens.

By the time she finished reading the brief note, her hands were trembling and she felt like crying. This sounded a lot like a goodbye and not having seen Nini as she left the notes could only add to it. But they had to step on stage again so she made a mental note to absolutely bawl her eyes out as soon as the musical was over and walked with Ricky to the left wing, since they had to come out from that side.

"Ah! The man shows up to swing his sword, yes!" Channing exclaimed, pointing his stupid camera at Ricky, but he was soon to put it away.

"Dude!" the curly-haired boy snapped. "She and I? We were just faking it during rehearsal! We're just friends so get out of here before someone gets hurt."

Too late for that, Richard Bowen. Juliette looked down at her feet, her black Anna boots on. She could feel her heart breaking a bit more. She had tried to convince herself that nothing was going on between them, that it was completely one-sided, but she had put her own hopes up anyway. She thought Ricky had felt it too but, apparently, that hadn't been the case.

"Ricky, get into character, come on." Maddox handed Ricky his guitar and he stepped on stage, sitting on the fake log they had prepared.

Juliette walked up to the wings, nearer to the stage. As Ricky began singing, she couldn't help but close her eyes. He had the power of making her feel a thousand things just with his voice and she knew the audience was feeling it too.

"You light the world for me," he sang, throwing a quick look at Juliette. She smiled at him, encouraging, but her heart broke a bit more. She wished he were singing that song to her, that he meant every word he said but she knew that wasn't the case. They were friends, he had said so himself.

The play was over before they realized so. The audience was clapping for them as one by one  they walked to the front of the stage for their bows. Juliette ran up to Gina and hugged her before they got out of the shadows, thanking her for everything she had done for her that day. Hand in hand, both of them took the front stage and enjoyed the cheering. They had done it, together.

Taking each other's hands, they bowed one last time before Kourtney made her "magic" and let out a rain of snow in the audience's heads. It was a truly magical sight, both from the stage and from the audience. They couldn't believe it was over already. They would repeat that day a thousand more times if they could, sudden changes and everything.

Everyone walked out of the Barn as the actors went backstage to get changed.

"It all went perfectly, you guys!" E.J. exclaimed, pulling them all in for one more group hug. "I'm so proud of you. And sorry for being such a bossy and annoying director this Summer."

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 - 𝐡𝐬𝐦𝐭𝐦𝐭𝐬 (𝐢𝐢𝐢) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now