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twenty: camp shallow lake prom

     Juliette could safely say that getting ready at the boy's cabin had been one of the most uncomfortable moments of her life. E.J. was nowhere to be found already, which put Gina on edge; she could barely look at Ricky at all, which, in turn, put the boy on edge as well; Carlos and Kourtney were freaking out because they still had to get everyone ready; and Jett was just there. "Chilling," he claimed. 

     Eager to get out of there, she asked Kourtney to do her make-up first and, as soon as she was ready, headed to the barn to see if they needed help decorating. By the time she arrived, however, everything was all set. An orange car full of flowers decorated the entrance as a banner that read "Flower Power" announced the theme of the dance. There were bubbles and balloons everywhere and the loud music made it difficult to hear one another.

     "Hey, everything alright?" Val asked her, seeing that she was alone. 

     "Yeah, um... just needed some time alone. Do you need help with anything?"

     She looked around, smiling, "I don't think so, no. But feel free to chill here until everyone else arrives."

     It did not take long for the building to fill up. Juliette, sitting at a desk, observed everybody's outfits. Everyone looked amazing and seemed to be having a lot of fun with their group of friends. Of course, no couples, dates were not allowed at Shallow Lake Prom. 

     "Hey, Juli!" someone called for her. The girls were smiling at her from the photocall. "Come join us!"

     She stood up from her chair and walked up to them. Kourtney took her by the arm and put her in the middle of the group, surrounding her shoulders with her arm and smiling wide. So did Juliette. 

     "Do you want anything to drink?" she offered, but Gina was the only one that nodded.

     "Man, I feel like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever," she heard once she arrived to the drink station (which was actually one of the desks that were usually backstage with a glittery drape over it).

     Ricky, with her pink shirt and dark-blue three-piece suit stood alongside Carlos with a small cup on punch on his hand. His shirt was slightly open and Juliette thought the suit fitted him perfectly. 

     "I feel like John Travolta in Hairspray," Carlos continued, making Juliette laugh.

     "Hey, Jul," Ricky smiled at her, turning to face the table as she did as well. "You look great."

     "Thanks, Ricky. So do you. A little too much cleavage perhaps."

     "That's what I told Carlos! But he insisted I had a beautiful chest and I needed to showcase it."

     Both of them laughed and turned to look at each other. Juliette had to grip the cups harder, because she felt her hands go weak. Ricky's hair was messily curled, yet falling perfectly on his forehead and he had changed his usual silver chain for a gold one.

     "E.J., is that a script?" Juliette focused her gaze on the boy behind Ricky, who was frantically turning the pages of a blue binder.

     "The show's tomorrow," he explained as Carlos and Ricky looked at him as well. "This is the only time it makes sense for everyone to run lines."

     "I don't think anyone will be too pleased about that. Tonight's supposed to be fun."

     "Don't worry, Juliette, you don't have to run any." The girl flinched lightly, but forced herself to keep looking at him. He felt Ricky getting a bit closer to her. "Miss Jenn said as long as you guys know your dialogue, you're good. So, I'm making sure you do."

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 - 𝐡𝐬𝐦𝐭𝐦𝐭𝐬 (𝐢𝐢𝐢) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now