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twenty-five: the documentary

     Before they realized it, a month had gone by already. After the amazing time they had had at camp, it was strange to be back in Salt Lake, not together in a cabin but in their own houses. Thus, they had taken a habit of making a group call every single night before going to sleep, as if they were all together. Camp Shallow Lake was truly a magical place.

     At the moment, however, all the girls were in a limousine that was taking them to the premier of Frozen: the musical: the documentary. The night before, Gina had invited them all home to get ready together, claiming that they would be less nervous that way. The only novelty was that, now, Maddox was with them. She had become one more of the group and it was as if she had been there her whole life.

     They took that brief time in the car to give each other the final touches: a hair that was out of place, an eyeliner that had smugded slightly, the fake eyelashes that were not perfectly glued... and when they arrived, they got out of the car one by one, smiling at those taking photos at the entrace.

      Who would have told those kids that had to devise a plan to keep High School Musical going that they would be in front of tens of cameras who wanted them.

     They all looked dashing, with their dresses and heels, walking confidently to the red carpet. By the time they arrived, the boys were already there.

      Juliette smiled at Carlos before setting her eyes on Ricky. She felt her hands began to tremble as he looked at her, their eyes connecting. Juliette was not sure what to do, but the boy extended a hand towards her, signalling for her to join him and Corbin for the interview. The rest of the group were already having their pictures taken.

      "We're at the world premiere of Frozen: the Musical: the Documentary," the man spoke to the mic while he smiled at the cameras in front of them. "I'm with Ricky Bowen and Juliette Duchamp. You ready for fame?"

     "Oh, boy. I'm not sure about that. You know, I'm just enjoying a chill, quiet life back in Salt Lake City."


     "Yeah, no, Ricky's right. We're all right now living our normal lives, just how they were before so... I don't know," she replied, smiling. Her parents and sisters had made sure to remind her to always smile at the cameras. Oh, and the twins wanted for her to look for some cute rich boys for them.

     They walked the red carpet, Ricky and Juliette following one another. At a given point, blinded by all the flashes, Juliette felt an arm surrounding her waist, which made her jump. That prompted a chuckle that sounded like music to her ears. Raising her gaze, she saw an extravagantly-patterned suit tht only one person could pull off. Ricky was looking down at her with a huge smile on his face, prompting her to smile as well. Both of them posed for the cameras, his arm around her waist and her fingers grazing the little sking that her dress dared to show. In the meantime, Juliette put her hands on Rikcy's chest, looking sideways at the photographers. 

     They barely had any time to talk but they were ecstatic to be there. All of them got together at the end of the red carpet got the opportunity to hug, congratulate and compliment each other at how amazing they all looked.

     "We're the cast of Frozen: the Musical: the Documentary and you're watching Disney Plus," they all screamed as they drew the signature Mickey Mouse silhouette on the air. They'd always wanted to do that.

     After some group pictures, they sat on the chairs that the crew had prepared for them on stage, ready to get a glimpse at the trailer before anyone else. So far, the nerves had somewhat settled, but they were sure they would return as soon as people began walking into the room. After some indications and updates, Corbin played the trailer.

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