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seventeen: disney channel games

     Juliette nearly fell down from her bunk bed when the sound of an air horn and someone's yelling filled the Honeycomb. She could hear Kourtney let out a scream from the other side of the cabin while Maddox seemed to be having a lot of fun. 

      "What the fuck?" she half-yelled, looking at the source of the sound. Now, she could only wonder why Corbin Bleu and his annoying camera-man Channing had entered their cabin at the break of day and had not found a more peaceful way to wake them up.

     "Rise and shine! We're two hours away from Camp Shallow Lake's most exciting tradition," he spoke, pointing to the camera. "Tune in to see a bunch of theare kids get their heads out of the clouds and into the game. Report to the amphitheatre at 8.00 a.m. sharp for a day of sports. It's Colour War!"

     The redhead, looking at Ashlyn and Gina alternatively, groaned and let herself fall to her bed again, hoping to sleep a bit more before they had to get ready. She had barely slept that night, her mind racing with countless thoughts that kept her awake long enough to have prominent dark circles under her eyes. She was not at all ready to face Colour War but she didn't think there would be a way to get out of it either so, when the time came, she got up and got dressed.

     She got out of her cabin, praying for nobody to speak to her until she had got her thoughts in order, and walked towards breakfast. She couldn't play any game with an empty stomach. Looking around the room, she let out a sigh of relief when she saw none of her friends there, so she chose an empty table and slowly ate her bowl of fruit and her toast. She cursed her own mind for constantly repeating yesterday's kiss, all while being unable to stop thinking about Ricky pinning her against a wall and putting a hand over her head. Annoyed with herself, she finished her food, put her bowl on the tray and walked to the amphitheatre, which was already full or blue and yellow decorations.

     "When I heard that the camp that's putting on Frozen for Disney Plus," Corbin Bleu began talking from the stage, prompting everyone to take a seat, "has a day that's emotionally similar to the 2006 to 2008 Disney Channel Games, I and the folks at the Mouse HQ jumped at the chance to include this in our docu-series."

     Channing circled the amphitheatre with his camera, briefly focusing on Juliette, who threw him a hard look before he moved away. 

     "Every camper is required to participate in a few challenges. There's two teams..." Dewey began explaining when Corbin cut him and presented Maddox and E.J. as the two captains.

     "On my team, we have Ricky, Ashlyn, Gina and Ben," E.J. read. "And then, Maddox's team has Kourtney, Carlos, Jett and Juliette."

     "Just so y'all know, I'm scrappy. I fight dirty and I will cheat," Kourtney clarified once the whole team was together. 

     "Hmm! So it's in the bag."

     "I'm also incredibly afraid of heights."

     "Okay, so plus, minus."

     "Guys, if you were on a deserted island and could text one person, who would that be? Your mom? Your ex? Your like coach?" 

     Probably my therapist, Juliette thought.

     "Tomorrow, the winning team can text whoever they want when they get back their phones!" Corbin Bleu exclaimed, making Kourtney and Carlos screech in excitement. Nobody paid attention to Dewey explaining how that was against camp policy. "Get your colours from the buckets! I'm Corbin Bleu and you're watching Disney Plus."

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 - 𝐡𝐬𝐦𝐭𝐦𝐭𝐬 (𝐢𝐢𝐢) | ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora