Lights Off

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The room was instantly engulfed in complete darkness and the golden glow of his eyes flickered to small red pupils. My breath got caught in my throat for a second and i froze. my first thought was i really didnt like the dark. "H-hey turn the lights b-back on, I-i cant see." Curse my fucking stutter.

I looked up at the now crimson glowing eyes starring down at me, into me, and hoped hed dismiss my hand trembling under his. Everything was pitch black besides the two glowing red dots looking directly at me and that was all i could see. i couldnt tell if he was moving but my wrist was still entrapped.

I tried to stay as calm as possible- dispite my persistent fear of the dark and this newfound menacing vibe. My breathing was becoming slightly more difficult as my heart began to race. I felt moons grip tighten much harder than suns and i winced.

"Tsk, tsk. Were you planning on leaving us dear Y/N?" I felt the tip of his finger being placed under my chin lifting my head up slightly to look at him better. Not like it helped anything, i couldnt see anything other than his eyes. He leaned in closer, cornering me. I couldn't tell if the intimidation was intentional or not. i dont know id i could believe it if it really was.I couldn't even tell if this was a joke. If it was it definitely wasnt funny.

"Come on moon, c-cut it ou-t youre hurtin-g me." I tried my best to keep my tone light as to not sound as scared as i really was. I burried my back into the wall and shrunk down slightly My heart was now pounding and my legs began shaking a bit. I felt his grip tighten even more and heard a quiet sinister laugh.

With the pain in my wrist growing i quickly came to the very sudden conclusion this must have been some sort of malfunction. Before i even realized it fight or flight instincts kicked in and i reached for the lightswitch as fast as i possibly could, but moon had quickly grabbed my wrist pinning it against the wall stopping me forcefully. "W-what the hell m-moon!?" Struggling against his grip proved to be no use and my panic was increasing by the second. I almost wanted to punch him but i couldn't do that to moon, besides i doubted it would have any effect.

"Naughty, naughty. Using foul language in the daycare is against the rules. But you know that, dont you Y/N?" I could almost hear the smirk in his voice. The fingure under my chin turned into a grip on my face. My arms were frantically trying to free themselves of his grip- without even a budge. I couldn't help my slight hyperventilation. "Moon let me go! Now!" Im sure my tone indicated i was serious, yet he didn't let me go or even faulter in his grip. If anything he squeezed tighter. I wondered if he could see the fear on my face that i now had facing him. I tried to glare at him but i wasnt sure how affective it was.

I saw the glow eyes move as he tilted his head. I remembered that typically i thought it was cute when they did that- like a curious puppy or something. But that thought was distant as now it was blatantly horrifying.
"What am i supposed to do with you? Rule breaker, rule breaker." His voice sounded as playfully menacing as it usually did with that additional rasp. I was almost sure id be hearing it again in my nightmares if i managed to make it out of here alive.

My flurry of panic induced emotions took over slightly and my response was a bit harsher than i wouldve liked. The thought of saying goodbye was buried by the desire to get out of this situation. "Let me go! Youre acting fucking creepy!" I was relieved there wasnt that annoying stutter, but there was an equally irritating shakiness to my voice that i couldnt get rid of.

In the flash of a second i felt myself being thrown to the ground landing ungracefully on my back with a quiet 'oof'. Luckily, even the waiting areas entrance had playmats or that really would've hurt. My shock nearly outweighed my fear. Moon mustve been really angry to actually try and hurt me. Hes never showed any violent tendencies before and now i was 100% positive this was a malfunction.

I tried to quickly to get back on my feet to run but i was quickly and harshly pushed back down feeling moon stand over me before kneeling down ontop of me.

"Bad children must be punished." His voice was oddly calm considering his most recent actions. I was too scared to move, and at a loss for words. How do i bargain with a out of control animatronic? There was never any mention of this possibility in the protocols.

"Moon-" i spoke with my voice trembling before felt something shoved in my mouth. It tasted sweet and i instantly recognized it as the moondrop sleepytime candy. I nearly bit his finger but he pulled it out quicker than i could. His hand was then firmly placed on my mouth and only red eyes starred down at me expectingly. "I made this one especially for you. With love of course, incase anything like this were to happen." His voice was sickeningly sweet as his fingures dug into my cheeks and my hands desperately tried to pull his off with me squirmimg to get out from under his grip. The candy was slowly dissolving in my mouth, and soon the medicine aspect of it overtook the sweetness. It became intensely bitter but that wasnt really my main concern. I was scared id fucking choke with my hyperventilating.

Red eyes starred down at me and the room was completely silent besides my thrashing and muffled protests. I briefly remembered my phone in my pocket, but knew moon would just take it if i were to take it out.

My movements slowed as i began to try to calm myself down. Thrashing and threatening things he couldnt hear or understand wouldnt get me anywhere. I need to convince him to let me go.

I couldn't help but still hyperventilate slightly. My heart wouldnt cease its pounding in my chest. How could it when moons hand was so close to my neck? But still, i quit my thrashing and looked up twords moon. Shakily reaching twords his face with trembling hands i grabbed him gently. Silently begging him to remove his hand so maybe i could talk some sense into him. He let out a barely audible chuckle.

"Playing nice now are we? Im sorry naughty one but you know what happens when you break the rules." Im sure this wasnt anywhere in the rules. He leaned down inches away from my face and strangely i felt a strong drowsiness kick in and my head became foggy. "Bad children must be punished." His voice was the same hushed whisper he used during naptime when talking to a child. I breifly remembered how i admired him for the care he put into making all the kids feel safe; which was a stark contrast to my current experience.

For some reason i found it increasingly difficult to keep my eyes open.
Dont tell me that candy was actually fucking working on an adult. The taste of how unusually bitter it was was still settled in my mouth. My hands lost their place and settled to the floor against my will as my eyes slowly shut.

The last thing i felt was moon removing his hand and wrapping his arms under me, lifting me effortlessly as my body went limp and i faded out of consciousness resting my head against his shoulder. Nightmares seemed to already take place. "Nighty night starlight."

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