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as i watched sundrop transform, fight or flight instincts kicked in. i could feal my heart  pounding as my legs ran out twords where i last saw the doors. it was pitch black now, save for some very, very dim lighting. i couldnt see far in front of me but that didnt really matter i guess. i could hear everything important. the angry growl moon let out and the thumping of my heart and racing of my legs. soon i could hear him running too. distant pitter patter. awfully light footsteps for such a large thing. then, nothing. scilence behind me. but i was too close to the doors to pay any notice. if anything- this meant that i was free. he gave up and i won and id never see him again once im out thoes doors.

thats what i thought till i saw two red dots ahead of me and instantly identified it as moon. how in the hell did he get ahead of me without even a sound? a realization clicked that maybe it was the cord. with how fast i was running, i mean, i was running for my life. it was really hard to so suddenly change direction. especially since im not particularly good at running. i could hear moons sadistic chuckle as i fell to the floor but sprung up seconds after. my legs were burning but i ran as fast as i could in the general direction of the jungle gym. 

"Lets play hide and seek Y/N!" his voice echoing through the daycare somhow encouraged me to run faster. as horrible as the option sounded, i think hide and seek just might be my only option for now. i entered a random enterance to one of the cubby holes after a swift turn. he started counting down fairly loudly as i hurried to find cover. i climbed up to the second floor hearing him reach 10 and crawled as fast and quietly as i could into and out of a short tunnle that led to a small boxed corner connected to another short tunnel. "15!" i was about to climb into the second tunnel and exit but i hesitated. did i even have enough time? i froze in fear. why was this even happening to me?

"20." time was up. i was shaking but still. my heart was not beating calmly as i started lacking confidence in my current hiding space. i kept looking out both entrences of the tunnel. scared to immediately see a set of red glowing eyes. i need to run for it the second i get the chance. im not too far away from the enterance where im at right now. i can make it if hes far enough away from me.

i tried to listen for anything but it was dead silent outside. then again so was i. i couldnt even hear my own breath; just the sound of my heart pounding. i was scared of moving, scared of making noise, scared of getting caught. quietly i inched forward twords the other end of the tunnel. where did it even go? shit maybe i shouldnt have gotten onto the second floor. peering out at a halfway distance i could see a slide. Although less expossed a slide would be more noisy. where the fuck is moon? i crawled back into the boxed corner of the tunnel and looked out the slide i came in from. but all i could see was the space ahead. not the entire daycare. to find moon id probably have to peer out. great. i need to stick my head out and risk moon seeing me before i see him if i want any chance to survive.

i dug my nails into my nervously sweaty palms and quietly crawled forward. with how fast he moves on the cord he might be at the other side of the daycare by now. or he might just be right outside this fucking tunnel. i held my breath as if it would help as i peered out the side of the tunnel. quickly looking both ways. the daycare was really dark but the bright colors helped a bit. looking at the direction i ran from, he wasnt there. maybe i could go back out the way i came and not risk finding out just where in the hell that slide goes. but this option left me too exposed for too long. i looked everywhere, starring into dark crevaces of cubbies and squinting my eyes. searching for any signs of movement. looking through the bars of the jungle gym. it was almost like he was hiding too. it was a lot diffrent then when sun plays hide and seek. when sun plays it, i dont feel like prey.

i felt my hairs stand on end. goosebumps paired with a sudden eeiry anxiety that made me want to hide. thats never a good sign. i could feel my heart hammering as i retracted back into the slide scooting all the way back into the corner. i felt like i should just take my chance with the slide already but my instincts told me to be still. i couldnt pull my eyes away from the end of the tunnel or pull my back away from the corner i was in.

"come out, come out." my eyes widened as much as they possibly could when i heard that. a silent gasp left my mouth. where did it come from? it sounded close. closer than i would like. does he know where i am? did he see me? i glanced twords the direction of the slide for a second. that might be my only method of escape. i looked back at the other end of the tunnel and saw metal fingures curl onto grip the enge of the top of the slide. i could see moon start to peer down into the tunnel but didnt stay long enough to say hi.

As fast as my unathletic limbs would carry me (shockingly fast) i crawled to the end of the tunnel, noise be damned. i heard moon crawl in after me before chuckling. reaching the end of the very short tunnel, i exited and nearly dove for the slide hoping my extra push would get me down faster. it did. and i couldnt really stop it when i saw moon at the end of the slide waiting for me with a sinister smile. i slid almost all the way down before i could finally manage to stop the momentum with my hands and SOCKS (a nearly impossible task) and i turned to climb back upwards. a cold hand gripped my leg and i couldnt kick it away dispite how hard i tried. he only dug his fingures into my ankle harder. i gave up and when i looked back at him tears were blurring my vision.

"guess who won?" moon tilted his head with that stupid grin and red glowing eyes. okay fuck maybe i could reason with him? "Moo-" i yelped and fell flat onto the slide as he roughly pulled my leg back twords him quicker than i could fight against. he let go of my ankle and i scrambled to turn around. he leaned over me grinning with teeth that never looked so noticably sharp before and my breath hitched. "w-wait, wait!- i- i didnt mean to run!" I waved my hands frantically "i-i just got scared! you know, like how the kids do sometimes. you get it right?" i felt so clostrophobic with him inches away from my face. beads of cold sweat formed on the back of my neck and my legs hanging out of the slide were as stiff as logs.

he reached his hand forward to my face and i flinched backwards slightly but he only held my face starring into my eyes. his hand trailed down my face and throat to the center of my chest where he laid his hand flat. he glanced down at his hand sitting up slightly still grinning. "youre heart is racing." i wasnt exactly sure of what to say to that. of course it was racing. i might die.

"my Starling Y/N, youre always acting like such a brat~" he tilted his head with an eerie creek. his hand formed a grip on my shirt and i was yanked up forcefully. i nearly headbutted him with how closely he brought me and my hands instinctually grasped his wrist holding onto it tight. "i think its time for your punishment."

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