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I froze like a deer in headlights starring up at suns unwavering grin. "Sunny! Arent you supposed to be hiding?" What was supposed to be a friendly and casual tone, came out  more as a guilty distraught squeek.

I tried to retract my hand but sun didnt seem to acknowledge my efforts. "Aren't you supposed to be seeking?" He asked questioningy tilting his head. Fuck. Hes onto me. "I-i was, but then, i got curious about.. If my-my gum that i lost- maybe it had been turned in. I just thought gum would be really good right now you know." My eyes wondered more twords his shoes than his face as i spoke. My nervous grin straightened a bit but likely still looked strained. There was a few moments of silence before i peeked up at an unamused sun starring down at me. "Moon said you certainly have the lying skills of someone who belongs in the daycare; and Im sorry sunshine, but i might have to agree." His smile never really fell but i could tell he was a bit hurt. I was more nervous than guilty though. How in the hell was i gonna get out of this?

I felt my face get hot with the embaressment of an obvious lie. I remembered all too late that my manager mention they had programming to better help tell when the kids were lying. I was about to explain when he stood again and took a step off the desk falling perfectly with balence on his feet. Like it was nothing. Like he was a fucking cat or something. He got really close with that and i quickly stepped back. He tried to grab my hand but i pulled it away and somehow managed to bump into the damn chair again. Stupid fucking thing. "W-wait sunny, lets keep playing!" He reached for my wrist again but i moved out of the way barely in the nic of time, this time dodging the chair. As he approached me i kept semi-speed-walking backwards. "I think it might be best to call it a night." For some reason i could sense frustration in his voice. That was new. I circled around the desk in attempts to avoid him, barely dodging him everytime he reached for me. "Why, we just barely got here? Lets have some fun, i-im bored." Im really more scared than bored but im sure he can tell. He ignored my comment lunging for me this time. I nearly screamed but i raced around the oppisite side of the desk once more.

Okay. Fuck the phone and reasoning with sun, im getting out of here. I hesitated in my steps before making a sudden dash twords the exit. I heard a loud thump and then i ate carpet dirt with a loud oof. i looked back seeing that stupid fucking chair knocked over and my toe bleeding confirming the pain. I tried again to quickly get up and run but hands were holding my chest, lifting me up like i was a housecat. "Come on. lets get you back to the room. We can play a boardgame and talk about your punishment. Dont worry, i wont make it so bad." He masked his exasperated tone with a cheerful one but i could tell he was pissed. Well, as pissed as sun could get.

"No! let me go!" I shouted moving my hands to attempt to free myself of his grasp. I struggled with him but it seemed to barely have any effect. Now i was the one getting frustrated. "I dont want your fucking punishment, i didnt do anything wrong! let me go Sundrop!" I began kicking as a last ditch effort. "H-hey! Thats not very nice!" His grip was slipping slightly as he struggled which was exactly what i needed. With one hand i pushed his chest away from me and the other i used to try and pull his hands off me. All the while thrashing around like a feral animal. "Damnit sun, let go of me!" He stumbled a bit and I managed to get one of his hands away. "Moons getting more and more upset with you! You should really sto-" I kicked him hard in the chest and he finally dropped me. I stumbled back, bumping my hip painfully hard on the desk. I placed my hand down and winced. I felt a button below where my hand fell. And suddenly the lights.. were off. Shit.

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