Hide and Seek

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Sun opened the door to the room which was suprisingly unlocked. Behind it was a bright red curtian, which was oddly placed but i thought nothing of it. No, I was more focused on getting the hell out of this room and never coming back. While the experience in there wasn't exactly unpleasant, it was a little unsettling.

I pushed the curtian back and was about to step out but felt sun gently tug me back by the brim of my shirt; and instantly i could see why. I starred down at the ballpit past the small patio 3 stories below me and stumbled back bumping into suns chest. I then realized i was on the stage id never before seen put to use.

"H-holy shit." I muttered feeling dizzy just looking down. There were no stairs, and no entrence besides the door. Did sun just drag me up here? The mental image of that scanario was horrifying.
"Language!" I quickly shot sun a look of mock annoyance and he returned it with a disapproving one of his own. "How are we even gonna get down?" I asked peeking over the edge. He peeked down with me but his expression was far more relaxed than my own.
"Ill carry you of course!" He stated enthusiastically. He passed me and stepped out onto the small patio as the wire that allowed him to- literally fly- lowered down connecting to his back. I starred in disbelief as he opened his arms up looking to me expectingly. Oh yeah.. Forgot he could do that.

I instinctively stepped back finding a nervous grin sneak on my face. "Uh- ya' know, looking at thoes drawings doesnt sound like too bad of an idea! Yeah lets go do that." I anxiously laughed rubbing the back of my neck. He raised an eyebrow. "Whos the party pooper now?" That little- "I just don't wanna get dropped!" He gasped placing his arm over his chest dramatically offended. "I would never drop you!" I crossed my arms in return. "No offense sun but im a bit heavier than a little kid."

He shook his head and extended a hand. "Trust me starshine, id never ever let anything bad happen to you. You have my word." I raised an eyebrow. This whole situation seemed bad but i guess that was something better left unsaid for now. Then again, that did seem to be the only way down even though it wasn't designed for humans. The only way of escape. And he has done this once before to get me up here so it should be safe.. I cant believe im reasoning with this.

I let out a heavy sigh feeling my lifespan shorten drastically before hesitantly taking his hand and stepping forward.
My eyes widened and i let out a yelp of suprise feeling him twirl me around before pulling me to his chest like i was some goddamn dancer, though much less graceful.
Normally i wouldnt have minded, even maybe thought it was kind of fun or cute. But considering i was quite literally on the edge of death i shoot him a half hearted glare. Though i could never be mad at him, sometimes, i sure as hell came close to it. I was about to scold him when his grin suddenly grew ear to ear confusing me. I was about to ask whats so funny when

"Hold on tight!" What-

I felt myself leaning then falling forward rather enexpectedly. The undignified scream that left my mouth as he leaned back with his arms held tightly around my waist as we left the stage was slightly embarrassing. But then again, it was kind of hard to care in that moment. My arms wrapped around his neck on instinct and i shut my eyes tight burrying them in suns shoulder biting back more screams. I could hear sun choking back laughter, and if we lived through this i made a mental note to kill him.
I was relieved to see the thin metal cord was supporting our weight and it didnt look like i was about to die such a sudden death.

Before i knew it we landed and sun bursted out laughing as my legs almost gave out and i wobbled slightly.
"A warning sun- would that be too much to ask?!" I scolded with my face turning a bright pink and my fists balled. I seperated from him and quickly looked down embarrassed as he wiped a fake tear. "What a priceless moment." I shot him a glare that could likely kill if he was really alive and he raised his hands up in surrender.
"I wont do it again, i promise. I-it was moons idea!" He pointed his hand at his head in a overly accusational manner and a far too serious face. I rolled my eyes and dragged my hand down my face looking away with an exasperated sigh. It did sound like something moon would do though.

"Well that was very unappreciated. Whatever, ill just return the favor when i mercilessly end your reign as the champion of hide and go seek. Now go hide already." I turned my back to him and walked forward a few steps. I closed my eyes and my arms trying to calm my racing heartbeat. "Should i bring moon out starlight? You seem to be dreaming." His voice was an annoyingly sweet mocking tone. My eyes shot open at that after a brief second of processing what he had said. i spun around about to give him an ear full of not-so-nice language, but saw he was no where in sight. As if he vanished into thin air

My shock at his comment turned into confusion at his disappearence as my head darted left to right looking for him. The daycare became erily silent and i heard no trace of sun or the jingling of the bells on his wrists and ankles.

A small shiver ran up my spine as i turned back around breathing out quietly. "1.. 2.. 3.." I began counting semi loudly with my eyes shut. All i could hear was myself and it almost felt like i was alone. Sun was strangely good at keeping quiet, i couldnt hear any trace of him whatsoever. It seemed like he was actually taking this game seriously.

Reaching 20, i reopened my eyes and began aimlessly wondering. I knew sun wouldnt go anywhere too dimly lit, he said doing that sometimes made his head fuzzy. So certian parts of the daycare were automatically out, at least i assumed so. Sun never typically went high up when hiding with the kids, but he might be different when it comes to me. I figured id check the low ground first before considering climbing up there. If i didnt get an opportunity to leave first.

I tried to seem like i was seeking diligently while slowly walking in the general direction of the exit. I noticed the daycare seemed a lot different without sun in it. And though i know i cant part of me actually wants to go and find him.

I happened to glance tword the security desk and stopped dead in my tracks with realization. The security desk!- More importantly, possibly my phone!
Behind the desk, there was a box of lost and found and a drawer of confiscated items. Sun is a robot with specific programing, so it would make sense for him to put my phone somewhere in there, right? He did techically 'confinscate' it after all.

I took a hesitant step forward before quickly walking over. If sun was watching me and decided to stop me, i could just say i thought that would make a good hiding spot. But even with my prepared excuse I was still nervous. My eyes kept looking at all the possible hiding spaces i was passing on my way. I felt like a kid skittishly acting against the rules as i approached the desk

Reaching the security desk, i quickly hid behind it bumping into the rolling chair and flinched cursing silently at how mildly loud it was. I waited a couple seconds not hearing any footsteps or concerning noises and peeked out from behind the desk relieved to see nothing out of the ordinary. Just a dimly lit daycare with a 8ft tall malfunctioning animatrlnic lurking somewhere.

I looked down at the lost and found and began quietly shuffling through it. Rummaging past plushies and jackets and various knik knacks, i couldnt find my phone. My brows furrowed in frustration and i turned my attention to the confiscated items drawer. If it wasnt in there it should be in here. Im determined to find it cause i know ill be screwed without it anyways. I need to call for help.

Reaching for the handle, a cold metal hand was placed on my own stopping it. A hand i instantly recognized. My eyes darted up at sun who was sitting up on the desk in a crouched position looking down at me confused while i was frozen. "Well i wouldnt be in there, would i?"

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