rules, rules, rules

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i starred as the violent looking scribble on the center of my stomach disappeared with him pulling my shirt down over it.
"There. Hard parts over." he said casually as he gently patted my stomach still straddling my waist. i saw him move to brush some hair away from my eyes but i moved my face as far away as i could from his hand and in the processs somehow managed to toss even more hair into my face. i shut my my blinded eyes tight. almost realistically hoping he would just disappear, or at least go away. He just brushed the hair from my face once more as i tried to ignore it

I didnt look at his expression as he suddenly moved to get off me, instead now sitting criss cross beside me on the bed with that same usual creepy grin on my haven given a little peek. as soon as he got away i hurried to sit up and scoot back till my back hit the bed post with a quiet thump. if looks could kill i think i mightve shot a bullet through him by now.

he cocked his head to the side slightly. "Its hard to take such a scary look seriously with silly drawings all over your face, starshine." he placed his elbow on his knee and rested his head in his hand, curiously looking at me. probably waiting for me to say something, but i wasnt going to give him the satisfaction. If i was it would only be a complaint of humiliation; hed probably enjoy that.
i kept my icy cold glare steady and my muscles tensed, ready to make a run for it any second. but it wasnt looking like i would even get the fucking oppurtunity. Moon was still way too close.

"Was that sooo bad?" He asks with a sickeningly sweet tone while leaning a little bit closer. I kept still and quiet besides the shaking of my clenched fists tied behind my back; but in all actuality i could hardly take how pissed he was making me with his mockery. my mental battery had just been dragged through hell and all i wanted was to go home. but moon looked at me as if i was a rabbit in a cage.

"Maybe now we can talk about some rules stardrop." He said tappingl his pointer finger gently against his cheek.

I snickered even though i felt angry enough to scream death threats. "Do you mean the rules that youre breaking?" i spat out fiercely. He laughed and his shoulders bounced slightly which was especially odd considering he didnt need to breath, but the point was- he laughed as if i was joking and it only served to make me more mad.
"More like the ones youre breaking, bad little (y/gender)." He leaned back a bit and since my muscles were so sore i couldnt help but relax a little at the distance.

It felt like the closer he was, the more weight was on my chest. And now that he was a realitively safe(r) 4ft away from me i wasnt in full flight mode. I wouldnt exactly say i was relaxed but hey its by far the closest ive gotten to it in a while. i was undeniably tired. this was more exhausting than my regular job by far. I just wanted to go home.

Before i could even protest to his bullshit, he unfortunately began explaining. "These are a new set of rules. Made especially for you." I cringed and resisted the urge to gag, which would probably just end in a sarcastic reply and me cussing him out.

"Thats the only reason your punishment was so light after all. Technically- you didnt know any of the rules you were breaking were even there. So ill let you off that easy just this once." unsuprisingly there wasnt a hint of sarcasm in his voice.I felt my eye twitch. I had to dig my nails into my palm to keep quiet.

Light? LiGHT? I dont know what the fuck that was but it was not 'light'. More like cruel and unusual. i mean sure- It may not have been as grusome as i feared-but it was definitely still just as fucking traumatizing. When he lifted up my shirt i thought he was going to- to..! I instantly felt my face fet hot.

The look on my face clearly stated my disagreement. He didnt seem to acknowledge it though as he continued speaking i kept my mouth shut trying not to say something id regret.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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