Chapter 4.

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Mayas pov:

"It's no big deal?  Of course it's a big deal!" I yell at her "honestly how stupid can you be to say that it's not a big deal" I yell and slam my hands down, I see her lip trembling and she flinched. I realised what I had done. I turned into my dad. "Mi I'm so so sorry" I say as I go up to her on the couch, she moves away from me. "I-I'm just gonna go up to my room" she says with tears forming in her eyes, "I'll go after her Bella" carina says to me, gosh I feel so bad. I decide to go for a run to clear my head, "I'm going for a run" I shout up and carina says okay.

Carinas pov:

I feel so bad for the bambina, I can't believe maya right now, I am angry at her. "Bambina it's me" I say in a calming voice, I can hear her crying. I open the door and I'm met with Mia packing her bags. "I-I'm sorry for causing trouble I think it's best if I leave" she says with a sad smile, "bambina wait-" I try to say but she brushes past me "you forgot your ted-" I say before I head the door shut "teddy" I mumble to myself, I leave it there just incase. It's been about an hour now so I start to cook dinner, "hey I'm home" Maya says to me I ignore her, "where's Mia?" She asks me, I ignore her once again "fine I'll look myself then" she says getting in a mood with me, once she's gone I let the tears fall, I try to wipe them "carina. Where is Mia." I hear maya from behind me "it's your fault she left because YOU couldn't keep your anger in" I raise my voice and point my finger "what do you mean she's gone?" Maya says her heart sinking "what have I done what have I done" Maya says.

A/N only a short one <3

mia Elizabeth bishopOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora