Chapter 9.

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Mayas pov:

Once I've made me and carina some cereal we sit in the living room where we see Mia sound asleep, "I'll take her up" I whisper to carina "okay" carina smiles at the two girls. I pick mia up and she starts stirring "hey hey it's just me bug it's okay" I say in a calming voice, she just moves around trying to get comfy, I walk up the stairs and into her room, I tuck her in and kiss her forehead "I love you mia" I whisper.

Mias pov

Im having a bad dream a nightmare my dad is threatening to kill me "NO NO DONT KILL ME PLEASE" I scream begging him not to kill me. "PLEASE" I cry once again screaming. I wake up to carina and maya sat on my bed. I sit straight up "I-I-" I say struggling to speak "it's okay bambina just focus on your breathing."I remember what carina told me last night. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. I do that until I'm calm "I'm gonna shower because I'm all sweaty" I say a bit shaken up, "ok" Maya smiles at me, when I get into the bathroom I put the shower on hot and get in, I then let myself break down, I'm superised they didn't hear me. I just sit on the floor of the shower and cry, I don't realise how long it's been "hey bambina you've been in there a long time are you ok?" Carina asks me "yeah I'm fine" I say I turn the shower off. I wrap a towel around myself and walk into my room where I see carina looking at me "are you sure your okay bambina?" She asks me "yeah yeah I'm fine" I say trying to put a smile on my face "well the dried tear stains on your face say otherwise bambina" she says to me "I'm fine honestly" I say looking away knowing I'm gonna break down soon "can I get changed please?" I ask choking back my tears "yeah of course" she smiles and leaves my room, that's when the tears fall. I silently sob. I get changed and go downstairs "hey bambina you feeling better?" She asks me "no not really" I say with another sad smile. "Maya had to go to the station for a bit so it's just me and you" carina says with a smile "sooo I thought we could watch all the mean girls" she says to me smiling, I smile back knowing she remembered it was my favourite film, "thank you carina, for everything" I smile letting some tears flow out of my eyes. "Anytime bambina and I mean that. No matter if it's the middle of the night or if I'm at work I'll always be there for you" she says to me and brings me into a hug "come on let's go watch these movies" carina says to me and I nod in response. We're laughing and enjoying the time together. halfway through the second movie I'm fast asleep on carinas chest. Carina has really grew on me. She's like the mother I never had. Don't get me wrong my mom was there for me but when my dad hurt me she just sat there and looked pretty. What mother doesn't protect there child from abuse? My mom. I'm actually asleep and not having a nightmare. I'm proud of myself

Carinas pov:

Halfway through the second film mia was asleep on my chest and she wasn't having a nightmare. I was so proud of her, "hey I'm back from the station" maya says as she walks through the door "hey shhh the bambinas asleep" I say whispering.

A/N jus a short one 🤍

mia Elizabeth bishopWhere stories live. Discover now