Chapter 10.

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Mayas pov:

"Hey shhh the bambinas sleeping" carina says to me as I walk into the living room, I'm met with the sight of my 14 year old sister and carina, mia is fast asleep on carinas chest and I smile "has she had any nightmares?" I ask carina "no none at all" she smiles at me.

Mias pov:
I start stirring as I hear two voices, I wake up and rub my eyes "afternoon sleepy head" maya says to me and I groan in response "I'm so tired" I say to carina and maya "we need to talk to you about something" maya says to me "am I in trouble? Did I do something wrong? Cause if I did I can pack my bags and leave if I'm causing to much trou-" I say before I'm cut off "kid your not in trouble we just think you should talk to a therapist about your nightmares and panic attacks" maya says to me. No I'm not doing therapy i say in my head "nope, nu uh nope!" I say and go to my room, I get my gym kit on and do my hair "I'm going for a run" I say as I go downstairs to put my trainers on. "Okay be back for 7:30 please" Maya says to me, that means I've got 3 hours. I don't acknowledge her and I slam the door. I'm so angry with them both. I start running I run faster the more angrier I feel.

Mayas pov:

"We'll that didn't go well" I laugh awkwardly "she'll come through Bella" carina says to me making me feel a bit better. About an hour later I hear the door open and it's mia "hey where did you go?" I ask Mia "I ran to the beach? Is that okay or do I need therapy for that aswel?" She says getting on my last nerves "you know we're just trying to help you" I say trying to keep calm. "Trying to help me? You want me to talk to a stranger about my feelings?" She says "yeah I do, because it might help you!" I say through gritted teeth "WELL I DONT NEED YOUR HELP OKAY?" she shouts at me, if I'm being honest I was a bit taken back. "Go to your room now." I say getting angrier by the minute "no. What you gonna do? Be like dad?" She says "THATS IT! GO TO YOUR ROOM AND DONT COME OUT!" I scream at her, she flinches a bit and runs up the stairs. "I can't believe her carina" I say to carina who is just sat on the couch. "I really cant believe her" I say throwing a bowl at the wall.

Mias pov:

I hear something smash, "no no no no" I say mumbling to myself "your okay mia just breathe"I say to myself trying to calm myself down, breathe in. Breathe out. I think to myself. I can't do it I can't. Carina is downstairs with maya so she won't come and help me, come on mia you can do it. Just breathe. I take deep breaths and try to relax but I just can't. I get up thinking that I'll be okay, but I just fall. Everything is black.

Carinas pov:

I hear a thump from upstairs, I wonder what it is. "Mia bambina are you okay?" I say through the door. I get no reply. "Okay bambina im gonna open the door" I say and get no response. I open the door and see Mia passed out on the floor. "MAYA COME HELP ME!" I shout worried for the poor girl.

Mayas pov:

"MAYA COME HELP ME" I hear carina shout, "hey is everything o-" I say before I walk into mias room to see her on the floor passed out. "Can you pick her up your stronger than me" carina asks me. I pick up my 14 year old sister and carry her to the car.

mia Elizabeth bishopWhere stories live. Discover now