Chapter 22: Disasters

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"Warm enough?" Kun asked, putting a blanket around Seven

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"Warm enough?" Kun asked, putting a blanket around Seven. "Yes." She nodded, curling up in her spot.

"What else do you need?" He asked, putting her favorite hot chocolate on the table in front. "Nothing." She said, wrapping the warm cloth tighter around her body.

"I didn't know you'd fall so weak. Are you seriously alright?" Kun sat beside her, checking her temperature. "You're really cold, Seven. Come closer." He said. She snuggled in closer to him, fidgeting in her spot.

"I used very much of my power that night. I feel weak now." She explained. "Poor kitten." Kun pouted, making Seven giggle. Watching her laugh was a relief for him.

"Now, the important thing. What did that Freken guy say?" He asked, putting an arm around Seven. "He say he will alert the centre. They will send a spaceship for me soon." She said.

"How will they know you're here?"

"I gave my location to Freken that time. He will find me."

So that's what he was noting down so quick, Kun wondered. "How long will it take?" He asked. "I do not know but I will know when Freken arrive here." She smiled.

"This Freken guy seems really close to you, doesn't he?" Kun mocked, with a little irritation in his tone. "Yes, he is close." She smiled. "So what, are you both some secret lovers on your planet?" He sarcastically said.

"I tell you before. There is no love on Livian. No boyfriend, no girlfriend. Only science. We grew up together in the care centre." Seven said. "Yeah, still." He rolled his eyes. "Anyways, what is the approximate though? The time they'll take to come here?"

"I think one earth month." Seven pouted. "REALLY?" Kun exclaimed cheerfully, immediately hiding it. "I mean, what? So late?" He made a pretentious disappointed face.

"Mmh. They will have to prepare everything because they will also do research." She said. "I get it now." Kun looked away, letting his grin slowly surface.

"Kun." Seven called, tugging on his tee. "Hm?" He asked.

"Did Carl say the truth?"

"What truth?"

"Is love healer?"

Kun could feel himself losing his ability to talk. The question itself was too sudden. He wanted to give her an answer but he couldn't jot down the words. How would he even explain it to someone who doesn't know what love was?

"Kun?" Seven called again, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Ah, uh, yeah, sorry..." He nervously chuckled, scratching his head. "Let's see, to be honest, love is in fact a healer."


"When you care for someone in their sickness, the person feels loved. They feel strong mentally. Once they get strong mentally, their physical sickness goes away too."

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