Chapter 26: The Spy

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"Yes, I got the detector back

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"Yes, I got the detector back."

"Did you teach them a lesson?"

"I did."

"Make sure they never take my gadgets again."

"Mërich, what if I tell you that I'm bringing you a gift?"

"I don't like gifts."

"Not even if I say that I found the owner of the rare blood?" Heinrich raised his brows, hearing silence from the other end of the phone.

"I'm listening." Mërich finally spoke.

"I happened to get in the same train as the outsider on a station near Livermore."

"What were you doing on that station?"

"Personal matters, Mërich. I have a family unlike you. I had some work." Heinrich rolled his eyes. "When are you coming back?" Mërich asked. "After I hire someone to keep an eye on the outsider." Heinrich said.

"I'll be waiting."

* * *

"Yeah, we've reached safely." Kun said, opening the door to their apartment. He carried all the bags while holding his phone between the shoulder and ear. Seven sipped on her strawberry milkshake and walked inside before him, freely.

Greg and Carl walked in right after her as Kun closed the door.

Kun and Seven had just reached back home after a long train ride. Kun had bought Seven a lot of stuff while in Livermore, since they sold it at a reasonable price than the city. He bought her a phone with a kitten backcover, too.

Greg and Carl had caught them coming back home, following them to their apartment.

"Take care of yourselves, alright? Come back anytime you want." Mrs. Lee said.

"Sure. Love you." Kun replied, hanging up the call.

"It's nice to be back, isn't it?" He dropped the bags and straightened his spine. "Totally." Carl replied, flopping on the couch. "I was asking Seven." He rolled his eyes.

"Yes." She nodded, removing her shoes and wearing her furry slippers.

"Woah, look at you being a good girl." Kun patted her head. "Now go, get changed. I'll shoo these kids away by then." He said, making her giggle. Seven went inside the room before shutting the door.

"Why do you both pop up in my apartment everytime?" Kun asked angrily. "Needed sometime with your girlfirend?" Carl teased. "You kids, get out. Now." He ordered.

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