A Gamble

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Imagine how it will feel to be confined in a room with nothing but a dim and dangling lightbulb above your head. With guards standing in front of you, the grueling silence between you and them could trigger you to insanity. Fear aggravates aggression and self-destruction, as the cold walls of that room slowly crawl to your skin.

The air is stuffy, making every breath you take harder and every exhale feels like your lungs would give in the way. With heart-pounding as loud as drums as if it wants to jump out of your chest, every beat it makes reaches your ears. There is complete silence as you sit in the middle of that room, with a table in front of you with nothing but a plate with a gun on top of it.

You're wondering what it is for . . . Has it piqued your interest? Have you looked at the guards in front of you with a curious and questioning gaze? Have you been lost in your thoughts of what is the purpose of that pistol in front of you? Would you dare pick it up and inspect it? Would you dare let your fingers feel the gun's cold body? Would you have the strength to do it?

A guard in front of you places a bullet on the plate, beside the pistol that you only stare at. Its gold body shines even in the dim light, its glimmer sending a different kind of chills into your body. The already cold room slowly envelopes you with a denser atmosphere, and beads of cold sweat slowly grow on your forehead as you feel your sweaty hands.

What are you thinking at this moment? You're probably thinking of why you are in that situation in the first place. Thinking about what you have done wrong. Reflecting whether it is your foolish and impulsive decisions, words that are spoken out of line, or even acts that are deemed suspicious that have brought you to that dark, miserable, and cold place. But have you found your answer?

Your line of thought is cut off when you hear the soft clacking of metals. The guard inserts the bullet into the cylinder, spins it, and places it back on the plate. From their pockets, he pulls out a dice.

This is a gamble. A game for their entertainment, but a loss of another opposition voice. The dice in front of you will determine your lucky number, and the gun in front of you is the way to make it out of that room alive.

This is a gamble you'll remember for life. A gamble that will make you shiver every time. Do you want to bet it all in a single shot? Do you want to bet on a gamble of life and death?


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