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Are you done helping yourself? Done brandishing yourself in golds, brimming your treasury of fortunes that aren't yours, drowning yourself in champagnes and wines that are enough to feed hundreds, if not, thousands of families? While living in leisure and in tall skyscrapers overlooking the horizon where you could see the whole capital.

However, has it occurred to you that beyond the glimmering and grandiose life you live in are the blood of people you deprive of their rights? People who are dying as their silent cries were never heard because you are busy partying in your palace? Tasting the finest delicacies of the world, wearing handmade and finely tailored clothes, and shoes that are only put on an enclosed shelf for display. Funny enough how you think you are a walking museum when the world is laughing at us.

Hilda Adira, you are no Helen of Troy, nor your beauty could launch thousands of ships, nor the queen to treat this country as your treasury for your spoiled lifestyle. You are a Mary Antoinette, dressed in faux furs, flicking your hand as if you are born as one of the elites when you are nothing but a social climber—a frustrated and self-proclaimed monarch. No shiny diamonds or well-polished golds could hide your rotten greed.

I think the only thing you are good at is making yourself a victim. You could be a great artist, vilifying every means of making yourself look like a saint when you are a devil walking in this land. A great kingmaker. You have mastered the skill of spreading disinformation and turning everyone against those who tell the truth. Such a great liar you are. Everyone knows you are the one behind every atrocity, the one behind the rise of your beloved husband to power, but also the cause of this blessed land's downfall.

May I remind you of this, our respectable kingmaker. Once the light sheds on people's minds, that is the start of your downfall. No dictator comes into power and stays with it permanently, nor does an oppressive "queen" stay loved by a nation. I warned you, may you heed this warning.


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