𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮. (𝐨𝐧𝐞)

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It was a new year, a new summer at Cousins with the Fishers. Your families were always so close while we were growing up. Spending every last minute together during the summer, or at least that's how you remember it. You know that things did change when Susannah got sick. It broke your heart hearing from Conrad that she was sick again. He had told you a couple of months ago when he found out. He called you one night not even meaning to tell you, but the second you heard his voice you knew something was going on. Conrad and you were always the closest pair while growing up even though you were Steven's twin. Everyone who knew you and Conrad always said if you saw one the other was close behind. Susannah would always say that you and Belly were destined for her boys. Conrad and you then Jeremiah and Belly.

You do have to admit that you've always loved Conrad and did your best to understand him when he was having a rough time. That's what he loved about you, even in his darkest moments you were always able to pull him out. You even went to go see them in April over spring break to bring some comfort to Conrad. Susannah was so grateful for you that week for being able to bring the old Connie to her with such ease. Maybe you two were more than best friends, everyone saw it, but neither could bring yourselves to admit that to the other.

The car came to a stop in front of the infamous Fisher beach house. You saw Jeremiah rushing to your mom to give her a hug before moving on to Steven and Belly. You headed straight to Susannah giving her the tightest hug you could manage without actually hurting her. She gently placed her hands on your cheeks and admired you.

"Darling, you've always been so lovely, but every year you grow to become even more beautiful," she pointed out to you.

"I've missed you guys so much," you admitted to her.

"Trust me we've missed you all too. I think one missed you more than the rest of us though,"

"Where is he by the way?" you asked.

As if he knew he was mentioned when you saw him walking to the front, you quickly let go of Susannah and made your way to him as fast as you could. When you two were close enough, you pulled him into a much-needed hug. He grasped you tightly almost as if he was scared to let you go.

"Finally," he muttered into your neck.

"I know, I'm here," you whispered to him. As you said that you feel him pull you even closer than you thought possible. Your hand traveled from his back into his hair to play with it.

You two stood there for another minute before pulling apart to just put your foreheads together. You stared into his alluring eyes while he stared back down at you. His hands gripped your waist in a way most friends wouldn't call platonic. You both chose to be oblivious to the obvious stares from your families.

In everyone else's head there just waiting for you two idiots to get together. They say, "It's inevitable."

"Conrad, you gonna hog her all day or what?" Jere called a few feet away from us wanting a hug.

"Jere, give me a minute," Conrad replied.

"Con, I'll come back to you. I always will," you told Conrad.

What you didn't know was the effect you had on him when you said that. The reassurance that you gave him was always so comforting. In a messed up twisted way, Conrad loved that you always came back to him. He loves you in more ways than one. In all reality, he loved everything about you, flaws included. He looks at you like you put the stars in the sky.

"Okay," he leans down to kiss your forehead before smiling at you as he loosens his grip on you. Right before he lets go, your hands move to squeeze his before turning away to look at Jeremiah.

You see him talking to Steven and Belly while occasionally glancing back at you. He looks back and notices that it was his turn for a hug and made his way toward you. He speeds up to pick you up and twirl you around.

"Jeremiah, put me down!" you squeal trying to hold on to him. You feel your feet hit the ground and Jeremiah staring down at you.

"You know, he never is the same without you by his side," he whispered into your ear.

You let out a giggle that brings the attention of a certain someone that glares into the back of Jeremiah's head.

"You're being dramatic."

"No, I'm being for real right now. He's been so grumpy for the past few months. The last time I actually saw him be himself was when you visited during the break," he says while letting you go. You stood there for a second to process what he had said.

"It's time for a belly flop..." you hear Steven say and with that, you see Steven and Jeremiah wrangle Belly to carry her to the pool.

Conrad walks back up to you and grabs your bags. He heads inside and you watch the other two boys throw Belly into the pool. Before catching up with Conrad, you notice Belly pulled Jere in with her with the old classic "I hurt my ankle," trick.

"You shouldn't be jealous, Connie,"

"Me, jealous?"

"When are you not?" you retort.

As you guys made your way into your shared room. You've shared a room for as long as you remember because you were supposed to share a room with Steven but considering the number of fights you guys had. Conrad's room was definitely the better option and he never seemed to mind. He even had a picture of you two last summer during the fireworks where he was holding your waist with your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek on his bedside table.

You were always confused about whether or not Conrad shared the same feelings as you. Sometimes it was so obvious but out of the blue, he had a girlfriend or somebody he was talking to. It always hurt your heart to find out from someone else that he was dating someone that wasn't you. Something you did notice though was he never really had somebody during the summers you spent together.

What was even worse is that you shared every first together. First kiss, first time, first dance, first prom, but neither of you had the guts to admit anything. You both knew deep down that you shared love for one another but could never voice it out enough to make it serious.

"I do not get jealous over my brother hugging you."

"If looks could kill, Jere would be six feet under by now."

"Yeah, okay."

⌜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬!⌟

i hope you liked the introduction with this mini series :) there will be multiple parts to this so far there is three! but it can also be a stand-alone even though it's mainly an intro! 

please vote and comment if you liked it ❥

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