Chapter 4

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Damian was in his study practicing the piano. Just then, there was a knock on his door.

Damian: come in...
Henry: Hello sir Damian. Your father needs to speak to you...
Damian: Alright, I will be down in a minute.

Henry is Damian's personal assistant. He does things like, take care of his appointments and drive him where he needs.
Damian goes to his father's office. It is quite rare for him to be present at home as well as Demetrius.

Damian: greetings father...
Donovan: have you practiced the piano?
Damian: yes I have...
Donovan: you and your brother will have to attend an event on my behalf. I got an important call. I need to head the South Aisles and I can't go to a meeting and an event at once.

[not a real place, and not in Spy x family]

Damian: yes father...

Just then his father left...

Demitrius: you have to get dressed... The meeting is in 45 min.

He got changed and got into the limousine. Henry started driving.

Demitrus: don't worry... Once we are done we will go home immediately

Demitrius and Damian were once close as children, but since Demitrus is now an adult he has his own life to look after. So they haven't been seeing each other as much.


Henry: Here we are.
Damian: thank you Henry.

The event had started and everyone was gathered.

Demitrius: thank you all for being here tonight. This event has been a Desmond tradition for nearly 25 years now. This is were we look at how Ostania is doing. It is crucial to see how it has a hope for a brighter future. Now, my dear brother will present the overview of the economy, wealth and status.

Damian: thank you Demitrius.

Damian can suddenly hear whispers from the crowd.

???:* he is a disappointment to his father.
???: * yes he barely shows his face in events.
???: *no wonder he is a failure.
???: * if Ostania would be lead by that it would crumble instantly.

Damian hid his pain and proceeded with the event.


Damian: Demetrius, I am going to leave now.
Demitrus: okay, but why?
Damian: people don't want me here. Also I feel tired.
Demitrus: Alright text me when you get home.

Damian walked out of the event.

Damian: I can't believe how heartless people could be. They didn't even try and hide it.

Damian got into the limousine.

Henry: leaving so soon?

Henry tried to cheer him up.

Damian: I don't want to talk about it... Let's just go.
Henry: yes sir...

Once Damian got home, he changed and collapsed on his bed.
His phone started ringing.


Damian: Hello? Who is this?
???: hello! it's Anya! Remember we exchanged numbers last week at the trip.
Damian: that's right...
Anya: you don't sound alright.
Damian: what do you mean?
Anya: you sound upset...
Damian: is it that obvious?
Anya: what happened?
Damian: well I was at an event and people were talking bad about me...
Anya: why?
Damian: well Demitrius has always been kinda like the more successful son... I am seen as a failure.
Anya: you are not a failure! You are always getting the highest grades, the most awards and have perfect attendance. You are also quite popular among people. And you are nothing but kind, loving and caring to me and respect almost everyone you know... These people don't define you. You are not Demitrius and Demitrius is not you! You are your own unique person

Damian has never been showered with that many compliments. She gave him a feeling that he is good enough and gave him his confidence back while making him flustered. His face was red.
On the other side of the phone you have a flusterd embarrassed Anya. Also red.

Anya: it's like I indirectly confessed my feelings to him... D-did I go overboard?

Damian suddenly started chuckled.

Anya: is he laughing at me?! Is he going to be arrogant and say "I Know".

Damian: thank you... Thank you for giving me back my confidence...
Anya: your... Welcome?
Damian: hey Anya...
Anya: what?
Damian: can I-just spit it out-take... You... out?
Anya:... I would love That!
Damian: wait, really!?
Anya: yes, when?
Damian: how about tomorrow?
Anya: sounds good to me.
Damian: Alright, see you tomorrow.

After he hung up he named the contact...

Anya 💞

The next day, Damian went to pick up Anya.
When he knocked on the door he was greeted by Loid.

Loid: Hello Desmond.
Damian: hello Mr. Forger. I am her to pick up Anya.
Loid: where are you going? what are your intentions? Are you going to hurt her?
Damian: uh... we are just going to the movies and-

Just then Anya inturupted before it became an investigation.

Anya: Alright bye papa.
Loid: you better have her back by nine.
Damian: will do Mr. Forger.

They soon left.

Anya: so where are we going?
Damian: how about the movies?
Anya: sure!

Damian's limousine pulled up.

Anya: rich boy...

They both got in.

Henry: where to?
Damian: the movies.

Henry started driving.

Anya: I thought you wouldn't like going to a place where commoners go to?

She said smirking.

Damian: just because I am rich doesn't mean I can't go to the cinema.

When they got there, they were greeted by servants.
Anya looked at him blankly.

Damian: what?

She smiled and went inside.

???: where do you think you are going. This is the Desmonds' personal cinema. So beat it!
Damain: oi! Why are you treating her like that! She is with me!
???: I am sorry her. The lowlife. You can't be serious. What do you parents work as.
Anya: a mental health specialist and a civil servant.
???: hah! Called she is a commenar!

Damian gave him a chilling stare. And hugged her from behind.

Damian: if you don't shut up I will make sure you are fired.
???: you can't fire me.
Damian: I can't, but my mother can...

Mrs. Desmond was a powerful woman. She is kind to all staff members. But if you are on her bad side you suffer extreme consequences. The security man was let off the hook by her but he is terrified from her.
The man was speechless.

???: you may enter...

They walked inside.

Anya: what was that?
Damian: just some annoying security.

He realised he was still hugging Anya.

Damian: AAAA- I am sorry I didn't realize I was hugging you!

He is cheeks were as red as a tomato.
Anya was cheeks were also red.

Anya: I want to make you even more nervous.

Anya: awww, I wanted the hug to last ;>.

Damian's face was as red as ever.

Damian: let's just go inside.

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