Chapter 18

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Thank you all for 1.18k+ reads!!! 😭
I didn't think I would reach this many reads 🤧..

¶°^°¶ on with the chapter...


The next day at school, Damian went to inform Anya about the news.
He found her sitting on one of the benches that was under a cherry blossom tree. She was alone without Becky.
For some reason he couldn't help but admire her for a second because the falling pink leaves made her even more admirable.

Damian: Hello Anya...
Anya: hi Sy-on boy!
Damian: where is blackbell.
Anya: Becky is sick... So it's only Anya today...

Damian took a seat beside her. He broke the news to her...

Anya: what...
Damian: I know it sounds bad, but I will fix the problem don't you worry-
Anya: and you are just going to marry her right?
Damian: well-
Anya: are you sure you can't do anything about it?
Damian: it is the safest route to take. Because who knows what he could do to you...
Anya: I don't care about what he could do to me, I care about your happiness...
Anya: come on! For sure you have a choice!

Her voice started quivering.

Anya: you can't let him control you like that... It-it doesn't add up!
Damian: what choice do I have?
Anya: you could ask your brother to persuade him...
Damian: Demetrius was on board with my father...
Anya: what about your mother...
Damian: she looked...helpless...

Anya broke down and Damian pulled her in for an embrace.

Damian: it's okay I'll figure out what to do...

Classes were off for both Anya and Damian.

During lunch time, Anya sat with Damian. Amy showed up in front of Damian.

Amy: Damian! Isn't this great we are getting married!
Damian: oh so now you care?
Amy: what do you mean I have always cared about you~
Damian: no. When I was disowned you personally came up to me and told me not to contact you again.
Amy: oh Damian! I was protecting you from my father!

She said dramatically.

Amy: anyway, what are you doing with my fiancé?
Anya: oh I see you don't remember... I am his partner.
Amy: continue dreaming... See you around Damian.

She walked away.

Damian: ugh- she is so annoying...
Anya: hey its okay I am right here...

After school, Anya waved goodbye and walked home.
Damian saw her disapear in the distance.

He turned and walked the direction of his mansion.
It was the evening so the sky was shades of orange and red.

A few minutes later a man behind Damian was acting a bit suspicious.

Damian decided to cross the road just to be safe.
The man crossed too.
Damian was starting to feel uneasy.
Suddenly a cloth was put on his mouth and nose.
Whatever was sprayed on it made him loose consciousness.

When he woke up he found himself in a dark room with only a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. His mouth was covered so he couldn't yell for help.

Three men and two women were in front of him.

Jackson: oh look the failure woke up.
Damian: mmph-
Jackson: remove the mask.

The other man yanked the mask off of his face.

Damian: what do you.... Want...
Hannah: have you been living under a rock? We want money...
Damian: so you're going to kill me.
Gwen: why of course...
Rick: Gwen why don't you start us off... You are the best in the group...
Damian: so this isn't the first time you took an innocent life...
Gwen: yes idiot...
Rick: we already know about your little savior. Don't worry Bob will take care of her.

She covered his eyes with a piece of fabric.
The women took the bat and was ready to hit Damian with it.
He braced himself.
She instead turned and knocked the man out.

Nightmare: your nightmare begins here...

She ripped off her disguise. And was hitting them like they were baseballs.

It was down to 2 against 1...

Rick: that's it!

The man pulled out a pistol with a silencer.

The agent was panicking but she kept a calm composure.

One bullet after another she dodged. Unfortunately, a bullet hit her right arm.

Nightmare: Ugh-
Damian: are you okay!
Nightmare: I am fine...

The woman was in excruciating pain.
She kicked the pistol out of his hand and used it against them instantly ending their lives.
Nightmare pulled out a cloak and mask to cover her hair and face...
She took the blindfold off of Damian's face.

He noticed her bleeding arm.

Damian: you've been shot!
Nightmare: yes...

She untied him.

Damian: we need to take you to the hospital!
Nightmare: it's fine, I'll treat my wound at HQ... For now you are my top priority...

They left the abandoned building. Nightmare had tied a cloth around her wound to stop the bleeding.

The night was like a blanket that coverd the sky.
They weren't talking so he decided to speak to ease the silence.

Damian: can I ask you a question?
Nightmare: what is it sir...
Damian: do you have someone dear to you? You know other than your family?
Nightmare: I am not to answer personal questions...
Damian: well if you were to ask me... I have someone special.
Nightmare: who is she?
Damian: her name is Anya Forger...
Nightmare: oh my client...
Damian: yes.

He answered proudly.

Nightmare: why is she special...
Damian: well... I used to bully her when we were younger... Yet she was always sweet, kind, caring. She has this beautiful bubblegum hair... And those emerald eyes that are so easy to get lost into...

Nightmare was blushing uncontrollably.

Nightmare: I guess he does care...

The reached his doorstep.

Damian: thank you for saving my life... Again...
Nightmare: that is only my job...
Goodnight to you Master Damian.

She then disappeared into the darkness.

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