Chapter 22

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Damian was studying per usual, except he didn't feel like doing anything.
Ever since Anya slipped into a coma, his passions and hobbies were just side jobs in what he felt was a Grey life.

There was a knock on the door.
His butler came inside.

Butler: your father sked me to pass on a message.

There was no response from the scion.

Butler: the wedding has been pushed back 1 month because of certain affairs.

Before he could leave Damian stopped him.

Damian: what kind of affairs?

It was the first word the boy had said in days.

Butler: W-well, after your engagement party many people forgot what had happened. So it was pushed back because everyone was getting medical checks just incase of health issues they need to know about...
Damian: okay...

The butler left his room.

Damian was secretly happy, but his pain blinded any positive emotions.


It was the next day, time isspecifically 8:24am on a Saturday. Damian had made it to the hospital.

Damian: Hello, I am here to visit Anya Forger...
Nurse: sure! You go to room 105.

Damian made his way to her room.
There she was laying on her as if she is in a cold deep sleep.

Damian: hey Anya. It's been Five days... I am just wondering who is going to empty the stores of their peanut supplies. You know stores are overflowing with their supply of peanuts because you aren't there to empty the shelves. You also missed the air of the new season of Spy Wars...
But I have a surprise for you.

Damian pulled out a USB and a stack of mangas.

Damian: I recorded every episode and I got you a copy of the mangas.

He gently placed it beside Anya along side a bouquet of flowers.

Damian: please wake up soon. Life is empty without you...

Damian shed a few tears.

Suddenly Anya's eyes began to flutter.

Anya: why is it so bright in here?

She mummbled.
Damian jolted his eyes towards Anya.

Anya: is this it? Is this the light? I am not ready... Besides there are people worth protecting...

Anya turned her head.

Anya: this angel looks like Damian... So handsome...

She slapped him on his cheek lightly a few times.
She opened her eyes all the way now.
And then she saw him. Damian's joyful and teary eyes.

Anya: Gahhh! I am sorry!

Anya put her hands on her face while blushing from embarrassment.

Damian: y-you're finally awake!

Damian hugged her tight.

Anya: what do you mean?
Damian: you were in a coma for five days.
Anya: five days!

Anya lept from her bed and tried to stand up but instantly fell to the ground because of the lack of using her legs.

Anya: I have unfinished missions!
Damian: whoa... Calm down its okay...

Damian helped her.

Damian: give yourself a break... You just woke up from a coma...

Damian helped Anya get up and later called a doctor to check up on her.


The time was 12:32pm.
Damian had left to go home but he would come back soon.
Anya was reading the mangas Damian got her.
Suddenly the door flew open.

Becky: Anya-Chan!

She was trearing up.

Becky: whaaaa! I have been so lonely without you~!

She put her head on Anya's bed.

Becky: everything is so dull without yooooou~!

Anya stroked Becky's hair.

Becky: Damian... told me everything!

She was gasping for air from how much
She was crying.
Anya's heart dropped.

Anya: he did...
Becky: yeah- he- did!

Anya: how could he...

Becky: whoever that bastard is I will make sure he is deaaad!
Anya: he didn't say anything else?
Becky: nooooo! Just the fact that you were attaacked with a-a knife!

Anya: he didn't say anything about me being a spy... Well I am also afraid Becky you won't be be able to get your revenge because they are already... Dead...

Anya was tearing up happy tears.

Becky: are you okay? *sniff* did you not like the gifts I got you!
Anya: it's nothing I am just... Happy...

(quick heads up Anya is wearing just a white t-shirt and some trousers, I don't know why I am writing this but I just decided to bring attention to that)

A few hours later, Damian returned but with company. Emille and Ewin came.
Anya's parents were there.

Damian: and I brought company.
Emile: hey.
Ewin: sup.

They looked at the others sheepishly.

Ewin: what?

Damian was glaring at them.

Damian: this was not what we agreed on....
Emile: hey stu- I mean Anya. How are you feeling, are you okay?

They looked at Damian like little children seeking for aprovle.
Damian's expression calmed down.

Damian: did the doctor give her the aprovle to be able to start walking?
Yor: yes, he said that her body healed remarkably fast so she is ready to start walking again.


Anya slowly got out of bed and held onto a walker.

Loid: okay take it easy Anya...

She took her first step, then her second, then her third.
Soon she was walking easily with the walker.

Loid: very good you want to try without the walker?
Anya: sure...

She let go but she immediately lost balance and fell to the ground.
Damian lept to Anya's aid.

Damian: it's okay.

Loid was in awe of how patient he is with her and how much he cared about her.

Damian: Emile, go get a wheelchair.
Emile: yes Lord Damian!

Loid: maybe the reason he cares about my daughter so much is the fact that she is the only, well technically, the only family member that cares about him other than his mother... I would take this to my advantage to help me in future missions but-

Loid glanced over at Damian and Anya.

Loid: I don't want to disrupt their young love... And ruin it...


It was night time, Damian was walking home after he had slept the peacefuly sleeping Anya.

When he opened his mansion door he was met by his father.

Damian: for the last time... I am not marrying Amy...

He ignored him and went to his room.

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