Chapter 9.2

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Donovan: what does your father and mother do for work?
Anya: my father is a splended mental health specialist and my mother is a civil servant.
Donovan: as expected... Your family is a bunch of nobodies.

She was used to hearing these words but when it came from him,it was like a knife that stabbed her heart.

Damian was starting to get agitated.

Damian: if he makes another insulting commitment. I will make sure you get out of here.

Anya cheered up... It was good to know that one more person cares about her.

Melinda: Donovan, Don't speak about her like that.

Somthing felt off in the Desmond household. It was dull and cold. It didn't feel welcoming or comfortable. It had this invisible pressure to act a certain way. It was incredible how Melinda kept her cool and seemed calm while arguing even though it looked like she was about to snap.
Anya decided to change the topic. She had a red gift bag the entire time.

Anya: h-here a gift for you.

Melinda took the bag. It was a beautiful elegant painting.

Melinda: oh dear! This is beautiful painting. Where dud you get it!
Anya: oh I didn't buy it... I made it.
Melinda: you made it! You certainly do have talent!
Damian: I didn't know you liked painting.
Anya: well, now you do.

She said while winking.
Donovan looked unimpressed.

Donovan: incredibly inelegant.

Anya's face quickly changed emotions.
They sat in silence for a while.
The silence was interupted by the maid.

Maid: supper is ready.
Melinda: thank you dear.

They got up and went to the dining room.
When they all sat down, they were served dishes elaborately garnished.
They all started eating.

Anya didn't feel like eating. She was kind of playing with her food.

Damian: aren't you going to eat?
Anya: oh... Um... I am just not hungry.
Damian: that's not an excuse to not eat

He held out a fork with food on it towards Anya.

Damian: Aaaa-

Anya blushed.
She ate the food.
There was a flash from the other side of the table.

Melinda: *the flash is on...
Damian: Mother!
Melinda: I was just capturing the moment. This picture will be my new lock screen.

Damian blushed of embarrassement.

Demitruis: May I see?

He looked at the picture.

Demitruis: aww- my baby brother is growing up so fast.

He pretended to wipe a tear off of his eye.

Demitruis: I also realized that he has a better love life than me.

Anya softly chuckled.
Somthing suddenly crashed on the floor.

Donovan: are you blind?! Can't you do your job right?! You are such a useless maid!

Anya couldn't take it anymore.
She stepped up and put herself between him and the maid.

Anya: That is enough! Can't you tell it was an accident? I don't care who you are! It is still not an excuse for you to treat someone this way! Sure I am not the wealthiest but I was raised in a way which made me a decent human being!

She turned her attention to the maid.

Anya: are you okay miss?
Maid: I am fine...
Anya: your hand! It's bleeding!
Maid: oh it's nothing! I just hurt myself on the broken plate.
Anya: let me treat your wound.
Maid: oh no, it's fine. I can do it myself.
Anya: I insist.

Anya helped the poor woman get up from the floor.
She turned to Damian.

Anya: where is your first aid?
Damian: in the drawer, in the hall.
Anya: thank you.

While helping the maid, she knew she messed up. She knew that she was not going to be accepted by Damian's father. But still, she knew she did the right thing...
She noticed Damian who was standing beside her. He was looking at her with admiration.

Maid: thank you.
Anya: no problem.

Anya and Damian went back to where they were.

Melinda: is she okay?
Anya: the maid? She's fine... I shall excuse myself now.
Damian: I will accompany you until your father gets here.

Anya received her coat. And made her way outside.
They were in an awkward silence for a while.

Anya: look. I am sorry. I didn't mean to snap at your father. It's just that he was rude to your maid, and I could not keep my emotions in.

Damian pulled her in and hugged her.

Damian: you think I am mad? I am even more into you ... Not a single person that was faced with my father's harsh words stood up to him. Let alone protect a servant in here...

Anya burst into tears. She was relieved.
She look up to him. He wiped her tears away.

Anya's father showed up.

Anya: my father is here. See you soon.

He smiled at her waved goodbye.

Loid: are you okay?
Anya: I am okay...

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