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                                                 [ ꜱᴋɪᴘ ɪᴛ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ʀɪꜱᴋ.]

                                                Trigger Warning 

This book contains themes and content that may be upsetting or triggering for some readers. Please be advised of the following:

Violence: This book contains descriptions of physical violence, including scenes of murder, and assault.

Sexual Assault: There are descriptions of sexual violence.

Self-Harm and Suicide: The book contains discussions and depictions of self-harm and suicidal ideation.

Substance Abuse: References to drug and alcohol abuse are present, along with depictions of addiction and its consequences.

Mental Health Issues: The story explores themes of mental illness, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and disordered eating.

Racism and Discrimination: Instances of racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination are depicted and discussed.

Death and Grief: The narrative includes scenes of death, dying, and grieving, which may be distressing for some readers.

Child Abuse/Neglect: There are references to child abuse and neglect, including emotional and physical mistreatment.

Animal Cruelty: The book contains scenes depicting animal abuse and cruelty.

Please take care while reading, and if you find yourself struggling with any of the themes presented, consider reaching out to a trusted support resource or helpline for assistance.

----------------------------------ꜱɴᴇᴀᴋ ᴘᴇᴀᴋ-----------------------------------------

Dark eyes ablaze with cold rage, she turned towards Valerio. "You expect me to bend to all your whims just because I show you kindness? The ridiculousness of you thinking you can even have me at your beck and call is beyond comprehension."

Like a predator, she stalked over to Domenico, her features glinting with a cruel smile. "Are you saying that I am a monster? What a foolish mistake you made forgetting that Monsters are created slowly, molded with callous memories, flavored with cruel claws and molded like clay pottery. Lies harden them and false ideals constrict them. Then painted with the blood of young victims. I was turned into one. The times they lied to me and expected I would tell the truth. The times when they turned their backs on me and expected my support. I define you as them."

As she went on to say, her aura of spite and power enveloped her as she said, "I now feel there are two types of monsters, those that are created slowly, tarnished by malice, and those that are born with malice implanted in their veins, I would say I was tarnished by malice."


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