Chapter Seven. Barbara Holland

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barbara holland

IT WAS COLDER, now, and she wished she had put on a jacket. With her legs crossed and a half empty can of beer in her left hand, Lucy sighed to herself. She had goosebumps, there was a bitter taste on her tongue, and she was growing exhausted but was it bad that she didn't despise this 'party'? Yes, she'd rather be home. But, no, she wasn't miserable. Downing the rest of the beer, she listened as Steve spoke.

"No, it's not that I don't trust you," he said. "It's just, I wouldn't trust you with my children."

She furrowed her brow. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about," the girl spoke. "I'm a good babysitter. It's the loss of your fictional kids if they don't get babysat by me."

"I think Steve's right." Danny chimed in. He sat at the edge of the pool, legs dangling in the water. Head tilted back so he could be part of the conversation, the boy smiled. "You made the Wheeler's air conditioning unit explode."

    Nancy covered her mouth as she laughed. "And you almost died sliding down my banister."

    "Alright," Lucy crushed the beer can and tossed it at her brother. "Conversation over."

    Steve shook his head. "My point was—" he began. "I think I'd be a better babysitter than you, honest to God."

    "You? With kids?" Lucy widened her eyes. "Yeah, okay. That'd be funny."

A shriek split the air. Eyes wide, she shot her head back to see what was causing the commotion— Tommy had tossed Carol into the pool. She splashed around, eyes screwed shut. "Oh, my God. Tommy!" the girl shouted. "You asshole!"

Tossing his cigarette behind him, Tommy launched himself into the pool with a bellyflop. With a boyish smile on his face, Danny pulled his legs out of the water and jumped in besides his friends.

With an amused expression on her face, Nancy peered over the side of the pool. She folded her arms across her chest and giggled, completely unsuspecting as Steve snuck up behind her. With one push, she was flying into the cool water, her boyfriend quick behind her.

"Woo!" he hollered, beaming.

    The five splashed around in the pool, Lucy watching over the edge, a grin tugging at her lips. Steve ran a hand over his eyes and glanced up at the girl. "Not coming in, Hopper?"

"See, I'd love to," she began. "But, my sneakers would get soggy, and then I'd get pissed off."

Rolling his eyes, Steve threw himself back so he was floating. "Ah, come on," he splashed water up at her. "Have some fun."

    Sighing, she crossed her arms over her chest. "Pass."

In the small, passing moment, Tommy scoffed and Nancy frowned. Steve shrugged and swam towards the edge. "Alright," he spoke. "I'll unlock the door so you can go in, it's warmer in there."

    Squinting her eyes with suspicion, Lucy backed away. "The doors already unlocked, Harrington."

    Giving her a wry smile, Steve shook himself off like a wet dog. He took a step closer, causing Lucy's eyes to go wide. "Don't," she warned, shaking her head. "Steve, don't do it."

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