Chapter Twenty. Did You Know Tom Cruise Has Veneers?

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did you know tom cruise has veneers?

THE LAST TIME she snuck out of her house, she fell while climbing out the window, and face planted in the bushes. That alerted her brother, who ran outside, saw her, and cackled loudly— which alerted her father. Jim wanted to be upset, but she had just received a face full of rose thorns, and she hadn't even made it a foot from the house. So, technically, the last time she tried to sneak out— it was a failure. She never tried again.

It was October 31, and she was bored— she was supposed to be having fun. Her ideal Halloween was simple; staying up past midnight, watching scary movies with her father, ones that made Danny cower in fear. Lucy refused to be stuck at home, not when everyone was out and about, and enjoying their teenage years. So, she made a decision— Lucy was stepping out of her comfort zone. With the bright orange flier clutched in hand, she waded her way through the sweaty teenagers, and into Tina's house. The leather pants were squeezing her butt, and her ankles were numb from the cold. It didn't matter, though; she knew she looked good dressed as Sandy Olsson.

    Weaving her way through the crowd, and into the kitchen, her eyes scanned the full house— she swore, the entire population of Hawkins High had gathered together for this party. The varsity basketball team was crowded in the living room, stoners were splayed out on the sofa, typical party kids surrounded the keg. Then, her gaze landed on Nancy. A smile drawn on her lips, Lucy wrapped her arms around her friends shoulders. Neither girl let go from the embrace, not as Steve Harrington re-entered the room. His mood peaked at the sight of the well-dressed Sandy Olsson.

Leaning against the counter, Steve looked at her through his sunglasses. "Grease?" he tilted his head. "Isn't Sandy blonde?"

She blinked at him, unamused. "Did you know that Tom Cruise has veneers?" she spoke, sending him a squinted look.

Taken aback, Steve shook his head. "What?"

"Risky Business," she gestured to the costume. "Have you seen his teeth in The Outsiders? He one hundred percent got them done."

He shrugged. "So?" Steve looked at the girl, unamused, and slightly annoyed.

Humming, Lucy leaned against the refrigerator. "I just thought you should know, since you're dressed as him," she spoke. "And, I'm pretty sure he's, like, five-foot-one."

"So?" he repeated, crossing his arms over his chest.

She smirked. "You can pass for five-foot-one."

"I'm six foot!" Steve defended, causing Nancy to roll her eyes.

A moment passed, were the grin on her lips widened. "Six-foot-three with hair," Lucy wiggled her eyebrows, causing a smile to finally tug at Steve's lips, much to his displease.

    The silence on Nancy's end was deafening. Though she was smiling, her eyes were emotionless— Lucy knew there was something wrong. Pushing past her friend, Nancy went on a bee-line towards the punch bowl, Steve hot in her trail. With a frown pulling on the corners of her lips, she tapped her fingernails against the marble counter. Sighing heavily, Lucy opted to roaming around Tina's house as everyone mingled.

   A familiar voice split the air, one that caused her to jump. "You're not supposed to be here," they spoke.

   She spun around, eyes falling upon her brother. He had had hands on his hips, and an entertained look on his face. "And you're supposed to be at football practice!" she scolded, pointing an accusing finger at him. "What the hell are you, a cowboy?"

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