Chapter Thirteen. Lando

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IN 1977, DANIEL ripped the left arm off of his sisters Astronaut Barbie. They were nine, and he was a menace; the young boys hazel eyes were squinted with a smile as he watched her try to glue the arm back to the rest of the Barbie body. Lucy didn't cry, no— instead, she took Astronaut Barbie's arm and shoved it straight up his nose. Then, he pulled her ponytail. So, she kicked him in the gut. They fought for fifteen minutes; he ended up with a missing tooth, she ended up with a chunk of missing hair. The fight was one for the history books— Hopper even went as far to document the after affects with a photo of them whiny and teary eyed.

    They tried not to fight often (not including the screaming matches, or the petty fights were they pushed each other back and forth). Them fighting was meaningless, truly, why would they want to hate the person closest to them in this world? But, as seen in the Barbie Brawl of '77, their fights could get brutal.

"I don't wanna talk to you!" she shouted, taking quick, angry steps down the pavement. "No, I don't even wanna look at you. Go away!"

    He was hot on her trail. "Would you quit being a bitch for five seconds, and hear me out?" Danny shouted, hair flinging in his eyes as he walked. "Jesus  Luce."

She didn't bother looking for her car after fleeing the fight scene; instead, she ran after her brother to scold him. Danny, on the other hand, lost his ride home when he was ditched by Steve. So, the Hopper twins were stranded in the empty streets of their hometown.

    "You beat him bloody, Danny!" she stressed. "You're lucky he's—"

Cutting her off with a scoff, he spoke. "You punched him first!"

"I punched him," she wagged a finger at her brother. "I didn't pummel his face in!"

Danny rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well, he deserved it," the boy spoke. "First, he called you a slut. You dealt with him, but then he grabbed you. Did you want me to cheer him on as he shook you?"

"Jesus, you're so dramatic," she huffed, shaking her head. Then, she threw her hands up in defeat. "You know what, forget that even happened, okay?" Lucy continued. "Where the fuck were you last night?"

    He was taken aback. Her question was unexpected, random amongst their bickering. "I— I was at Steve's," he defended. "I was at Steve's."

    "Bullshit," she cut him off. "Bullshit, because I was at Steve's last night, Dan. I was so alone, and I didn't know where you were."

    Danny's mouth went dry. He watched as she pushed the hair away from her face, features drawn together in distress. "I was at Mia Wilder's party, okay? Lucy, what happened?"

    "It doesn't matter what happened, not anymore," she continued to walk. "What matters, is that you don't use your god damn brain."

    He furrowed his brow. "What?—"

    "People are going missing and showing up dead," she stressed. "And, you're out all night and don't think to call? Then, you and Steve spray paint that shit for everyone to see? Jesus, Danny, you're a piece of shit."

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