Chaptet Thirty-Two. Stop Flirting With My Sister

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stop flirting with my sister

THE SUN WAS JUST about fully set— the sky, painted pink and orange, was beginning to settle into complete darkness. They had collected two more group members; Lucas Sinclair, and Max Mayfield. Together, they had formulated a plan, (Dustin did most of the thinking) and they were prepared for about anything. The junkyard had become their lair, and the abandoned school bus was boarded up. With a heavy breath out, Danny wiped the sweat from his brow— he had been lugging metal across the yard since six PM. Now, though? He had given up. He'd leave the rest of the work to Steve.

"I don't know how my sister deals with you twerps," he spoke, shaking his head. "She's stronger than me. Jesus, I cannot babysit."

Lucas glanced up. "Actually," he flashed a smile. "Your sister loves me."

He shook his head. "It's not you," Daniel's eyes wandered a few feet left, landing directly on Dustin.

The curly-haired boy could see the insult ready to peel from Danny's lips. He acted fast, jumping in before he could say anything. "You look like a hooker from the seventies, Daniel," Dustin deadpanned. "I wouldn't go there."

Danny's squinted his eyes— he sent him a small look, one that said touché. Clapping his hands off, he turned around, and sighed. His hazel eyes moved forward, and his tensed faced softened; Riley stood against the school bus, back pressed to the metal, hands in front of her face. She was incredibly focused, yet, somehow, her face was lowered in exhaustion.

    "You gettin' tired?" he called, starting her way.

    Riley snapped her head in his direction, "No," the girl spoke, almost too quickly. She brushed her hands off. "You?"

   "Yeah," he said between a chuckle. She watched as he brushed the brown hair out of his eyes. "I'm fuckin' exhausted."

A short silence lingered. Riley sniffled, and looked away. "You think your sister'll be getting here soon?" she asked. "It's been a while..."

"I hope so," he shrugged. He glanced back up at her, and knitted his brows together— her focus was put completely on the palms of her hands. Her lips were pulled together in concentration, eyes squinted. Danny spoke, "You look nervous."

    She shook her head, not looking up. "I'm not nervous."

    He moved beside her, leaning his left shoulder against the bus. "Then, what are you so focused on?"

    Riley shifted her eyes up, a blank expression on her face. "Carrying those metal sheets gave me callouses," she said lowly, "They just hurt, I guess." She watched as Danny shifted closer towards her.

Gently, he looped his hand around her wrist. Danny took her left hand in his right, eyes squinted to see her palm. "Oh, yeah," he nodded, tracing over the callouses with his fingertips. "It just means your skins getting stronger."

A crooked grin spread on her lips. "Yeah, it hurts like a bitch," she whispered, watching as he ran the pads of his fingers over her plan. When a smile formed on Danny's lips, she squinted her eyes. "What are you giggling about?"

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