Chapter Thirty-Three. Hop Off My Dick

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hop off my dick

     SHE DIDN'T KNOW HOW to react— clearly, Steve was being irrational. Lucy had made horrible decisions in her life, and she was self aware; sliding down a banister in a bathing suit, jumping down a flight of stairs, the list goes on. But, if she had enough common sense to realize this— going after the Demodogs— was stupid... Steve was making the worst mistake of his life.

    With a knitted brow, she approached him. "Steve," Lucy murmured. "What are you doing?"

He refused to look at her. "We have to get its attention somehow."

She scoffed. Lucy pushed a hand through her hair, stopped to think, and shook her head. "I'm not gonna let you got out there alone," she said. "...come on."

He processed her words. When they finally went through his brain, and he had fully computed what Lucy meant, Steve's face fell. "What?" he moved towards her. "Luce, stop! What are you doing, stay."

She looked away. "No."

Now, it was Steve's turn to scoff. "I'm not letting you get hurt, Lucy... stay here." When she started towards the door, he loosely grabbed her forearm, her eyes going wide.

"Would you let go of me?" Lucy turned to him. "Are we really gonna stand here and argue about this, Steve? There's a fuckin— a mini-Demogorgan outside," she spoke.

    His eyes shot between the pair. "Steve's right, Luce... don't be stupid," Danny chimed in. "He can handle it."

    She ran a hand over her brow, an exasperated grumble pushing past her lips. "Jesus Christ, I need you both to hop off my dick for five fucking seconds!" Lucy shouted, hands in the air. "This shit cannot be done alone, okay? So, please, Steve... let's do this together."

He blinked. Lucy pulled from his grasp, and he didn't try to stop her. Steve straightened his back, and looked away. "Okay," he murmured, nodding. "Fine."

    Her chest was heavy, and suddenly, she wanted to hide in the bus. She was embarrassed, she made such a big deal out of fighting the Demodogs— and now, she wanted to disappear. But, Lucy would never admit that. She'd rather risk her life, throw herself in the middle of the junkyard, and fight those creatures. With a cautious step towards the door, Lucy let out a quivering breath. She tightened her grip on the crowbar in hand, and glanced at Steve.

    He stepped out first. With the bat clutched in both hands, Steve hesitantly started to the center of the junkyard. He whistled lowly, "Come on, buddy," Steve spoke. "Dinner time."

    Lucy was silent. Her knuckles were white from the hold she had on the crowbar. A shaky breath pushed past her lips, and she glued her eyes to Steve, who glanced back on occasion. "Fuck," Lucy whispered, her word's unintelligible.

    From inside the bus, Max watched in disbelief. Her blue eyes were wide, "They're insane."

    Dustin shook his head. "They're awesome," he smiled.

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