Royal Palace

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It might seems like a dream to Layle, but it is a dream that came true, he would turn his head every now and then to steal glances from Keith. It is already tomorrow, their relationship had started yesterday, "relationship" that word makes Layle smile every time he thinks about it.

A teacher knocks on his disk to bring his attention back to him. Yes, now they are in Biology class, now not the time to smile endlessly.

The teacher goes back to his own seat, and continue his class.

"As you know, the true dominant alphas are rare, but they still exist, they are the true alphas. Can you name one."

"Almost every king and queen who lived on earth, and even leaders." Joey lazily answered.

"Correct, and do you know why?"

"Cause their pheromones can Literally control other alphas. OUR KIND IS POWERFUL." Zain answered with pride.

Someone whispered, "I bet he is not a true alpha," followed by more whispers and laughs.

And when the teacher wanted to explain why, Caro, who had her gloomy aura surrounding her interrupted him, "we alphas of this class are going to have our tests results in January, right befor the mid exams. What a pain."

"I'm sure no one of us is going to be presented as a ture dominant, does the government need to do that." Some alpha whined.

"Yes. Your Queen really believes in the stratification of your society" Keith replied, students laughed.

The teacher who is also an alpha clapped his hands to get the attention back to him, "you should be optimistic, if one of you is a true alpha, you are going to get better chances in life. And Keith this is the last time you talk about your Queen like that." He faked a smile.

"Don't be like that Keith, the prime minster of her majesty's government is a beta. She loves you too." Zain joked, students laughed again, even the teacher gave up on this subject.

After class Layle went to Keith's seat. "Today I am going to the royal palace with my dad, come with me."

"Isn't it going to be a boring conference? Keith go, take a photo with Prince Alex and post it, girls will be all over you." Joey who just wanted to middle in said.

"Fuck off Joey," Layle released threatening pheromones and made Joey back off, he then followed Keith to the the yard. "I told my dad I won't go, unless you go with me," lies. "Please it will be fun," also a lie, he only wanted Keith to come because he did not want to die from boredom alone.

The nagging continued for a solid ten minutes, where Layle followed Keith to the bathroom begging him.

Keith didn't answer and entered a cubicle, Layle pushed the door open and entered, "I won't get out until you say yes!"

"If you want to watch me take a shit then be my guest." Keith joked, but Layle didn't budge.

Keith then got closer to Layle and kissed him, and when Layle got caught off guard he was able to push him out and lock himself in.

"Keith that was awesome!"

He screamed. Keith didn't answer and there were few students in the bathroom Layle just got to notice them, he then carried his embarrassment with him and left.

Layle left school before ten, the conference starts around two in the afternoon.

"Why didn't you go with Layle? It's rare for our kind to be invited to this kind of occasions." Joey mocked.

"I was not invited, and I'm definitely not interested."

"Anyway, there is good news I have. I submitted our files to the Wisdom School, we'll be accepted as soon as there are empty chairs."

For The Beta I Fell For (bl)Where stories live. Discover now