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At first it was hard for Layle, when Keith left he took a huge part of his heart with him, and even though it wasn't supposed to be the end, but Keith's action made it clear that he doesn't want anything to do with Layle anymore.

The first few months that passed where the hardest but Layle's old self passed with them.

When he graduated along with his friends, not knowing if Keith was able to graduate himself cause for that he cut connections with Keith's family, he decided to start building his future step by step, to prove to himself he doesn't need Keith if Keith doesn't need him.

The first step was eliminating everything that reminded him of Keith, even if it meant to change his direction if he met Keith's family on a street.

It was difficult, the nights were the cruelest times, always filled with nightmares and cold sweats, but one sleepless night he opened his phone deleting every and any memory he had with Keith, not even reading messages before deleting and even though he regretted it at first but with time he learned it was for the best.

After high school he enrolled in college. at Centeral University, the most biggest and diverse one in his country, he learned after that Keith went to study aboard at Thailand, as if his dream came to life after leaving Layle.

The exact words coming from mr. Prince's curved lips were:

"You know Keith left for Thailand, a beta finally knew its place, betas belong to Thailand, at least a beta country would show some interest in his minor skills."

When a year and half passed, without seeing Keith, and hardly hearing anything about him. Keith avoided coming home afraid they might meet, and that only added salt to his injury, but in the end Layle adapted, he not only lost all hope but never searched for one.

At some point he thought it might be easy to contact Keith, Layle didn't do any effort to do so, there was no point of reconnecting even as a friend, he once found Keith's Instagram account in his recommendations, he didn't even do the effort of finding if it's public or private.

Even his high school friends didn't add Keith or even Joey, maybe they did and hid it from him, not like it mattered anymore.

He himself got busy over time, hardly even meeting his family, spending his days studying or working, and it helped him building his life together, seeing a good future at the end of the road.

So for the past two years, not only Layle's way of thinking changed, but his attitude and his appearance changed as well.

He grew enough inches to make him stand as tall as 6.3 5, his golden hair grew enough to make it able to be gelled to the back, he started to wear only formal clothes. His undeniable handsome face and classy attitude made people mistake him for royalty, he was behaving as a royal, perhaps being close to prince Alex made him act like him, like a prince, after all he is a Prince himself. Layle Prince came from one of the most powerful families, and decided to take whole benefit of that.

When school started he moved back to the apartment his father gave as a present close to his university, after spending summer on trips with his people. He didn't want to live in dorms, if Keith was around he would live in dorms with him but Keith was never to be found, now at second year, he decided that the apartment was the right choice.

The last thing he heard about Keith was from his brother Matt, he told him that Keith was studying to become a teacher at the beta country, his paradise, and so he might never meet again not until a long time passes and by that time Layle would never act the same around him, he would never feel the same, he promised himself, or that was what he convinced himself.


"Want to a grab a beer in the evening?"

Ameer asked putting his papers back in his bag after the lecture ended.

"What's the occasion?"

When Layle's stoic face met with Ameer's he felt like punching him, but Ameer knew better than that, the only reason why he stays around Layle is for future benefits.

"Ahh.. nothing but tomorrow is Friday, I thought about having some good time away from all this stress."

"I'd like to come too." Said a feminine voice coming from a male omega, Harry. They showed annoyance first but didn't act on it.

Now Harry wasn't an ordinary omega, he was a dominant one, beautiful, elegant and smart one.

The thing about that omega is he always pursues Layle, not that it is a surprise for many omegas admire him, but Harry had a chance no other omega has, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and grew up in luxury, he is on the same level as Layle and most importantly he is the only omega Layle doesn't mind to be around. People thought that they would end up together and Harry believed in that.

"Sure." Both Layle and Ameer agreed.

And so a normal day in Layle's life would pass again with no troubles to take another step for his known future.

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