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At eight in the morning, a phone call woke Keith up from his sleep, as he reached to his phone to decline the call thinking it's from Layle, he noticed it's actually from Joey, so he accepted the call and put his phone near his ear.

"Hello?" His morning voice surprised him as he spoke.

"Where are you? Skipping school again? Come on man, I'm going to move to the new school tomorrow, Let's meet before that."

Joey was accepted in the all beta school he applied to, and he was going to transfer before the mid exams, no one knew but Keith, since Joey was afraid that Caro would make a fuss over that.

Joey also got a chair for Keith at that school, but Keith refused to come with him.

Keith threw his phone and tried to go back to sleep, but the screams of his sister from down the stairs found their way into his ears.

"You fucking bitch!"

He screamed as he jumped out of his bed, running to the direction of his sister's screams.

He found his family in the kitchen, his mother and brother Matt taking one side, while his crying sister standing alone.

"Please let me go back to my old school, I beg you, I can't go back to this school!"

Tears rolling down her cheeks didn't soften her mother, she remained silent as if waiting for her daughter to calm down. Matt also didn't say a word, on his face there is an annoyed look, Keith thought that his brother was going to explode any time, but Keith was faster.

"Is that it? Are being a maniac again cause you don't like school? Are you for fucking real? Waking me up for this?"

"Fuck off."

His anger rose high enough for him to bounce on her to hit her, he yanked her from her clothes and screamed at her.

"Are you aware of the mess we are in? Matt is going through so much and all you care about is yourself?"

She turned her head avoiding his eyes and with low voice she said."That's because he is a fucked up alpha like the rest of them."

Even though her words were almost a whisper but all of them heard her, her mother ran and slapped her.

Keith didn't do anything more, he let go of the grip he had on Kath, his mother was dragged out of the kitchen by Matt, only her cusses and swears were heard before the twin were left alone in the kitchen.

"I thought you would take my side, you are the only one in this family wh-"

"I'm tired of you."

He was truly tired of her and everyone so he left to his room and stayed there till afternoon.

What Keith had told to his sister stuck in his head cause all he could think of is Layle, all he could think of is how stupid and smart he is to stay away from Layle.

He knew that it's the right thing to do, he knew very well their relationship can't go any further, that it's impossible for them, and he should stay away, especially after the situation his brother made, he told his sister to care about their brother, when he didn't and it was stupid, it was also stupid to disappear without telling his reasons, leaving Layle in the shadows.

He found himself getting dressed and calling Layle to meet up, he wanted to deny the fact that he missed him, but the feelings were overwhelming and took over him.

They met up at a mall, Layle was waiting for him next to the jewelry shop that Keith once bought a present for May from.

The first moment Keith looked at Layle waiting for him, his eyes started to fill with tears, he wiped his eyes before tears fall and went to him.

"Hey." He said with a seemingly happy tone, the edges of his mouth hardly curved up.

"Hi." Layle replied, changing his previous plan of attempted assault of beating Keith till he apologizes.

"Wanna eat something?"


The food they ordered and drinks, even the games they played at the arcade that day, Layle paid for them all.

Normally Keith's pride would not let him but today he was unflappable, he was obedient and he did whatever Layle told him to do, even when Layle flashed his phone in Keith's face taking many silly photos of him he went along with it, he didn't want a fight for one time as a change, maybe give Layle a good day to remember.

They ended up in a motel, in middle of the afternoon, else from kissing and touching each other, they didn't go further just like the many times before, at some point Keith wondered if he was going to be the bottom, but that didn't matter anymore, he would never find out, cause he made up his mind about his future and what he should do with Layle.

Cuddling on the bed almost naked. They both stared at the ceiling, too many things going through Keith's mind but nothing on Layle's.

The fan made a cracking noise with every slow spin it made, after a while they both made a melody out of it.

"You know, the necklace... I still have it."

Keith turned his head to look at Layle.

"What necklace?"

"The one that you bought for May."

Layle had his eyes still on the ceiling, the tear that formed in the corner of his eye quickly fell to his ear, Keith watched in horror as Layle cried for no reason.

If Keith buying a present he never gave to his ex was enough to make Layle cry, then telling him that he is going to transfer to a school in another city would crush him.

At that moment he decided to not tell him anything.

"I love you."

"... I love you, too."

After the date had come to an end, Keith took a long shower to wash off Layle's scent, and even though he somehow hated doing that but he had too, if he was going to talk to his brother who had a good alpha nose.

After blow drying his hair and putting heavy perfume on he went to his brother's room knocking on the door.

"Come in."

His brother was busy going through the open travel bags on the floor searching for something, he never emptied his bags after moving back home, Keith thought it was because his brother deeply wanted to go back living with his wife.

"Fuck, I can't find my sock, fuck it. Come sit on the bed."

He asked as he sat on his bed before Keith sat next to him.

"You know, I miss you brother."

Keith started and Matt looked puzzled.

"I miss the old days when you used to take me whenever you go, even to your dates with Lily."

"Haha, yeah.. well I miss you too."

"I miss the peace we had at home before the witch of a sister came back."

Matt's small smile grew bigger and even laughed.

"Yeah, I sometimes miss the peace too, but hey she really is a joy."

"Yeah, sure. I mean you are her older brother of-course you'd say that, but I actually miss being a kid with you being in everywhere I go."

"That's because I wanted you to overcome your attachment to Kath and to love me as much as you loved her."

Keith was surprised, Matt spoke in a tone like it was something he knew before, but he didn't, he never knew his brother would do so much for him.

Keith doesn't even remember the time when he was close to his twin, he only knew stories his family told, he didn't care to know much more than he already knows about the sweet side of his sister, so he wanted to change the topic.

"Your problem? Is it going to be solved?"

"Soon. Doing worry, we figured everything out."

"Then is it okay for me to move into another city?"

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