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Dom was dead. Belmira tried calming Oliver down while Valentina talked with her husband to soothe him. Wayne went nuts after he shot Dom, not because he regretted it. I believed that it was because he killed before and relived the scene; thus, he remembered the feeling of spoiling his hands with blood. We felt helpless, so we waited for them outside, in their yard. "What just happened?" Roy asked after a few minutes of silence. His question made me cringe at the sight of blood; it was shocking.

"We just saw a murder, and the thing that scares me the most is my lack of empathy for that scumbag. I don't root for taking lives, but I know that Dom was just an extra body on this planet," Ismarelda replied, and we all agreed.

As conflicting as the situation was, I was relieved that a rapist murderer died. "Are you okay?" Dorian whispered.

"Yes, it's just... I feel like I am in a dream and want to wake up from it." I sighed and looked at the sky.

"I get you, it's unbelievable what just happened, but we couldn't do anything because deep down, we know he deserved it."

Before I could reply to Dorian, Wayne walked outside with Valentina by his side. "I am sorry, everyone, but it had to be done. I am sinful myself; still, I can't ignore their brutality. I will put an end to it now. Jino, can you call your leader and tell him to come here as fast as possible?" Wayne asked.

"Of course, give me a second."

"I will send out a notice to my gang members to gather here in half an hour. This bullshit will end today for sure. You have my word!" Wayne held his phone and typed while Jino talked with the leader.


"Can I borrow your bathroom for a bit?" Dylla asked Valentina, and she showed her the way. We were still waiting in silence outside for everyone to come until a fancy black car pulled over. A huge dark-skinned man got out of it and walked toward Jino. His appearance screamed authority and charisma, which was a bit intimidating.

"Wayne, this is my leader, Pedro Moreno." Jino introduced him and gave him a seat.

"So, you are the No La Vida leader," Pedro stated and crossed his arms. "What business do you have with me? You ought to know that I detest people like you."

"Allow me to explain. What happened during my leadership position is my fault, yet not entirely mine when things get plotted without my knowledge...." Wayne explained what happened behind his back and even told him my story. Pedro did not utter a word until the gang members came. "Line up!" Wayne demanded, and each one of them obeyed. "I know now that Dom was controlling your actions behind my back, but he's dead now. Before you ask how he died, I killed him. If you don't want to end up in a dumpster in the most gruesome form, tell me how many people are after this girl, Divana Hensler, and where can I find them."

Not a minute later, a man stepped forward with his head low. "We are sorry we didn't listen to you before, but Dom extorted each of us. Now that he is dead, we are free from his grip. For the men who are searching for Hensler, they are about a dozen, and they stay in an abandoned building. It's the same building where Dom used to do his dirty stuff all the time."

"You mean the building that I was almost raped in it?" I asked sarcastically, and he nodded with a wince. I could tell that he was feeling ashamed.

"Pedro, I want us to make a deal." Wayne stood up and placed his gun in front of Pedro on the table. "Help me and my niece get rid of those punks. They followed her from her home to here to get her money. If you help, I will withdraw from being a gang leader, and if my gang members want to join your mafia, please let them, and if they don't want to, they will pick up a normal lifestyle and quit this sort of life. That's my promise. No more rowdy acts and killing innocents." No one objected, and they all nodded with relieved expressions. They were tired of this lifestyle.

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