part 2

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its the next day you have collected bella from the dog place and have started to get comfortable in your new house


hey have you moved yet

yeah i moved yesterday

oh cool cool
do you maybe wanna hang
out or something

oh yeah sure 100% you can come
to my house if you want

okay kinda need your adress

oh yh crap here you go

alright be there soon

in about 30 minutes josh(chip if u didnt know) turns up and you let him in

you hug him "hey its been so long" you say "i know and look at this place hbe you robbed a bank of something" he asks "no josh i didnt just abit of modelling and instagram work" you say "might need to turn into a model then" he replys which makes you laugh "so do you want a drink" you offer "yeah sure do you have coke or something" he asks "yeah come on" you lead him to the kitchen and grab him a drink "my friend are having a 10 million subscriber party today if its the 15th of november which im sure it is and i have a +1 if you wanna come so you cam make some friends" he asks "im not sure cause i'll literally only know you" you reply "thats the point of making friends" he says as if you're stupid "you know what sure what time" you say "well you can pick me up at 7:30 so i can turn up in a cool car and i can impress the ladies " he incists "wow so your using me to get girls" you say while giggling "yeah basically" he says with a smirk

you guys hang out for 2 hours until chip heads back to his and you get ready you wear a small black dress with a racer jacket and sum nike panda lows (i think thats what they're called)
it gets to 7:15 and you head out to pick chip up from his then you drive to the venue

you arrive and start heading inside with chip

"im kinda nervous never been to a youtbuber party" you say "you went to my 8th birthday party and im a youtuber" he says while laughing "oh yeah forgot aboht that one great party unbeatable in my opinion"

chip leads you to a group of guys

"oi oi chip how have you managed to do that" a tall guys shouts "do what?" chip shouts while walking closer "mate theres no way in the world you can pull lily cooper" he says while giggling "init mate how have you dont that" a black haired boy says "its just the burnt chip magic aint it" he says while laughing "wait for real" the tall one says "no mate we've been friends since we were in nappy's mate" he says
"makes sense" the ginger guy now says "well this is cal , cal , stephen and will" chip says introducing you "hi im..."you start saying "we all know who you are" the taller cal says which makes you slightly giggle "here lets go get a drink lily" chip says ,, you guys start walking towards the bar "what do you want its all free courtesy of my friends the sidemen" chip asks "ill get a sprite not a big drinker me and dont wanna embarrass myself" you say "theres no way tou dont drink" chip says shocked "i do but rarely and im not a pretty drunk" you say "what am i gonna do with you" he says "a sprite and a vodka redbull please" you guys head to sit down at an empty booth

"god your so awkward are you sure you dont wanna go socialise at this party where your meant to socialise?" chips says "haha im just to awkward like im so socially awkward" you say "well see how socially awkward you sre after talking to these 2" chip says

you turn and see a pregnant girl which looks roughly your age and a guy with tatoo sleeves

"hey chip how are you?" the boy says as they come closer " im good you brother" chip says "yeah im good" he says "freezy was telling us about you friend so faith wanted to say hi" the man says which makes you smile "hey im faith your gorgeous" she says to me "oh my god stop your beautiful" i reply "im gonna let you two talk ill see you later lily " chip says as he and who you presume ethan walks away. "so you and chip ay" faith says while elbowing you slightly "no we have been friends since we have been in nappys i wouldnt go there hes judt my only friend in lindon" you say " oh had high hopes for him and well now you have 2 friends" she says "so how far along are you if you dont mind me asking" you say " im 16 weeks so 3 weeks until the gender reveal your totally invited if you wanna come" she says "really?" you reply "100%" she says "aww your so sweet" you say "so who have you met " she asks "ive met the cals ,stephen , you and your boyfriend i presume" you say "oh yeah thats ethan" she says "let me get your number we should hang out sometime" you say as she gets her phone out and gives it to you

you guys sit and talk for 10 minutes until 3 people start walking over one girl looking like shes about to pop with excitement

"omg cal werent lying it's actually her" you hear her say " oh shit it actually is "one of the boys say

they walk over and you kind of recognise the boys from when your siblings are watching youtube but only know one of there names who is ksi

"hi im talia and this is simon and jj" she rapidly lets out "hi im lily nice to meet you" i say they all come sit down and you guys start having your own conversations "you know i was mad when i found out you where here" jj says he says "what why" you reply confused "cause i wanted to be the most famous person here" he says " you scared me for a sec thought you hated me or something but to be honest i think your more famous than me followers dont equal fame " you say while laughing "true true i guess i am the most famous" he says with a massive grin on his face "but genuinely its nice to me you you seem cool" he adds on "aww
i thought you were like really big headed for a second" you say "he is" simon butts in which makes you laugh "im gonna go find chip but i will see you all in abit" you say while standing up and walking away

"hey chip" you say scaring him "god lily hey how was it" he asks "it was good they're all nice i really like faith" you say "really i thought you would of hated her your so awkward and shes so loud and talkative" he says " well you know what they say opposites attract" you reply trying not to be to cringe but enough to make him laugh

"SPEECH" "SPEECH" you started hesring people chant who you are pretty sure the taller cal started

they all start walking up onto this platform type thing

they all say there own little thing until halfway through simons speech he notices something "wheres bog?" he says through the microphone they had. You look at chip confused "bog like the toilet" you ask "not its a guy"

"has anyone seen bog at all" suddenly a blonde boy starts jogging in

"HES HERE AYY" simon says while everyone starts clapping you still confused

you look up onto the stage and see the blue eyed boy with dirty blonde hair wearing a white shirt and black joggers not very formal in your opinion but you srill thought he was kind of cute

"oh nelly im to awkward for this but sorry my flight from gurnsey got delayed so i just got here but thanks for 10 mil" he says which brings a smile to your face

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