Part 20

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You stand at your door as you wave your family goodbye as they leave your house after spending the last couple of days at home with you. You walk in your house feeling the joy of having the space all to yourself once again. You sit on your sofa and just lay there slowly falling asleep

*buzz**buzz* you wake up feeling your phone vibrating seeing the name chip pop up on your phone "hello" you say still half asleep "hi" he says "what do you want i was asleep" you say "its 1pm and sleep is for the weak but do you want to come for lunch with me and sabina" he asks "chip i dont wanna 3rd wheel" you say "ill ask harry to come" he says "ugh alright i guess" you say getting up "alright meet us (this place) at 2 ive also got a suprise" he says "alright see you there" you say and hang up the phone

You run upstairs and get ready then head downstairs and go get ready and drive to the restaurant chip told you to go to

"Hello harold" you say "long time no see
Cooper" he says "gosh its been like 3 days" you laugh "where is the young chipper" he says "i dont know must be late but he did say he has a suprise" you say "better be strippers" he laughs "i hope not harry"you giggle "here he comes i see him" he points towards chip and sabina walking towards you guys with a cute dog "omg thats such a cute dog" you say crowching down and stroaking it "i know shes sabinas her names lola" he says "shes so cute" you say to sabina "aww thankyou" she replys "can we please go eat now" harry begs "course your desperate to eat boggo" chip mocks "shut up chip leave him alone" you say "thanks lily appreciate it" harry says while holding the door for everyone to walk in it was an animal friendly restaurant so the dog could come in ,, you guys sit down at a 4 seat table you sitting next to harry and chip and sabina sitting across from you guys "so whats the gossip lately" chip says "nothing really i dont think" you say "you guys are so boring" chip says "acting like your life is at all exciting" you say "well my life's exciting i have a girlfriend now" he says "mate hardly sounds exciting no offence sabina" harry says "none taken" she says "mate you can be quiet acting like you havent been simping for my dear friend here" chip snaps back "nah mate i dont simp round here" he says "harry you definitely are a simp" sabina says "have you met your boyfriend thats a simp im nothing like that" harry says "im not even that much of a simp" chip says "sorry chip but you are the biggest simp i know" you say "alright lets stop bullying me now" chip says as a waiter comes up and takes your food snd drink orders and about 2 minutes later brings the drinks over

"So how did you guys meet" you ask sabina while harry and chip are having there own conversation "we met through one of our mutual friends and then we just started talking and one thing led to another what about you and harry" she asks "we met at the sidemen 10 mil party I think and then we met again at his birthday party and thats when we actually had a proper conversation and here we are now" you say "do you like want him to ask you to be his girlfriend" she whispers so they dont hear "im not really bothered if he did it now or even in a month like im not desperate to he in a relationship if you know what i mean" you say "yeah I understand ,, i was really worried meeting chips friends and im not really close to any but everyone is so nice" she says "thats how i felt cause i only moved in November so i was so scared everyone would dislike me but i get along with everyone now" you say "okay thats good to hear" she says "alright so who ordered the burgers" the waiter sayys as chip and harry point their hands up and the waiter passes them it ,, a second later they come back "and the spaghetti bolognaise" they say "that was me" you say while grabbing your plate "and a pizza for you" they say while passing sabina her pizza. "We need to have a party some time soon with everyone" chip says "gonna he hard mate faiths due to give birth like next week i think so ethans gone out the window" harry says "well everyone else can we should have it at yours lily" chip says "no chance mate im not letting my house get ruined" you say "party pooper" he coughs "shutup why dont you just have a birthday party its your birthday next friday chip" you say "oh shit yeah forgot ill throw one at my place" he says "alright sorted" harry says "god you two are a bright bunch" sabina laughs. You guys finish eating and sabina and chip have left leaving you and harry,, you guys are currently walking out thr restaurant "do you want to come to my house ive got nothing to do" you say "cant i have a sidemen shoot at 4 but you can come along and watch if you want and then go to yours" he says "dont you think they will mind" you ask "nah they wont care" he says "alright then i will drive you presuming you got an uber here" you say

Moving from america (w2s story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora