part 6

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it's been a 2 days since the sidemen left for america you are out for a meal with chip and the cals right now

it's been a 2 days since the sidemen left for america you are out for a meal with chip and the cals right now

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@theburnchip : lily smells like eggs

"mate your post is getting likes" freezy said "how many" chip asked "120k in 25 minutes" freezy replied showing him his phone "mate lily your getting in more of my photos" he says "ayy what can i say im that special" you reply "mate your fans must love you" lux says "nah they just care about who im with i could bet my house that half of the comments are about if im dating chip" you say "yeah shes not wrong lux they literally are all about that" he says "told you" you say "you two would make a cute couple though" lux says "nah shes been my friend forever cant ruin that" chip says "init and ive seen him do some weird stuff so im all good" you say "oh shut up i know deep down you love me" chip says "keep dreaming" you say "mate its on 200k likes" freezy says tapping chips shoulder repeatedly in excitement "im blowing up baby " chip says while jumping up

your all sat talking after you have eaten when a group of boys which you would probably guess are like 14/15

"hey guys can we get a picture" one of them ask "yeah sure" lux says ,, you take it "lily can i just say big fan and chip your crazy for not getting her while you can" one of them says "mate dont think she'd even give chip a chance" another says which makes you and the cals laugh "mate shes not that great" chip says "mate look at her she seems great just off her looks" another says which makes you laugh harder "poor chip" freezy says "but aint you dating harry now swear you two are together" another says "god where not together" you say "nah your lying" one of the boys say "im not i swear" you say while still laughing "which sidemen would you date then" another asks "what is this ,, i wouldnt date any" you say "nahhh shes lying she defo wants some of vikk" one says which makes freezy burst out with laughter "mate you guys are hilarious" lux says "well i think we better be off now but thanks guys " chip says "agreed" you say ,, you guys walk out and head to your car

"i cant be bothered dropping you guys off do you just want to stay at mine in the spare rooms" you ask and they all say alright "them kids where great " lux says giggling abit while remembering it "maybe for you but not for me " you say "we all know you want a piece of vikk tho" freezy says laughing "mate i think im alright and ellies to kind" you say "she wont mind sharing the star" chip says "nah she will dont worry" you say "go on then whats this with harry" lux asks "there's nothing with harry ive spoken to you more than ive spoken to harry" you say "if you say so" chip says "god i hate tou sometimes" suddenly your phone starts ringing and chips in the passenger so he grabs your phone "ooo its jake whos jake hes facetiming her let me answer" chip says he answers to it being a 15 year old boy "ayup lily whys this a child" he says "its my brother doofus" you say "oh yh shit her jake" chip says
"fucking hell she wasnt lying ,, ROSE COME HERE QUICK" he shouts "what the hell do you want" you hear rose say through the phone "look its chip" jake says "no way ahh" rose says "and theres lux and freezy" chip says showing them and them waving "god freezy is so fit not as hot as harry tho" rose says "shes crushing on you freezy" he says pointing the camera at him "chip shes 15 stop" he says "dont he rude she doesnt even like you the best" chip says "is harry there" jake asks "nah mate hes filming somewhere" chip says "are you guys having a party for lilys birthday cause i wanna come and meet you all and she says shes not having one" jack says ,, before anyone says anything back you snatch the phone and hang up "its your birthday soon?" chip asks "no he just wants to meet you guys" you say "and now where here so lets go in" you add ,, you all walk in and sit down after about am hour you head to bed and just tell them to help themselves

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