part 10

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its now the 19th of december you came back from paris and are now waiting in the airport in jersey for your mum to come pick you up.You decided to come over to jersey as it was easier rather than them coming to london.Your stood outside the airport waiting and see your mum pull up so you run over to her car and get in "hey mum" you say while giving her a hug"hey darling how are you" she asks "im find what about you" you say " im great hows josh(chip) doing your sister showed me a photo of you two" she asks "yeah hes doing great you have to come see him sometime he'd love to see you " you say "oo thst sounds good and i can meet the sideboys" she says which makes you chuckle "mum its the sidemen" you say "ahh yes them your siblings dont stop talking about how you know them" she says "gosh i feel sorry for you" you say "i feel sorry for me" your mum says after about another 10 minutes you guys walk into the house and your siblings are laying on the couch watching tv "omg lily your back" your sister says as she runs up and hugs you "oh hey liky" jake says "hello guys" you say "come sit down we need to talk" rose says dragging you to sit down " so how is it being friends with the sidemen" jake asks "average jake average" you say "is harry hottet in real life" rose asks "nah he smells" you say "i saw loads of posts saying you guys were dating" jake says "nah were friends" you say "alright if you say so" rose says

its about 2 hours later and you have a scheduled live on instagram which is an interview with a brand called personal people(made it up thought it would be a decemt name cause they ask you personal questions)

interviewer : hello everyone where joined by lily cooper today and we are gonna be asking her some personal questions you guys asked
you : hey guys
interviewer : alright so first question is do you prefer living in america or england
you : id say england because i think in maybe the month and a half ive been here ive made better friends than the 4 years i lived in america
interviewer: is it hard being away from your family so much or is it normal
you : erm its hard sometimes cause sometimes you just want a hug from your mum but its not as hard anymore as it was when i first moved
interviewer : who would you say is your best friend in the world
you : hmm probably my friend josh well chip hes been one of my closest friends since i was born so we've really grown up together
interviewer : well we did get asked to ask you if you and josh/chip were dating or if you have ever had a crush on him
you : god no we've always been strictly friends nothing more and never anything more
interviewer : we've recently seen you getting close to harry better known as wroetoshaw aswell from sidemen he even made a birthday post for you which everyone was shocked by and went crazy about how did you guys meet
you : we met at a party nothing magical
interviewer : so is there anything romantic there cause apparently it seemed like you guys went on a date in paris the city of romance
you : no me and harry are just friends and we just went out for dinner as i owed him
interviewer : gosh lily your letting all the fans down
you : (you laugh) i cant help who i like
they ask you a few more questions then you end the live

later on in the day
*roses pov*

i was downstairs when i heard a phone start ringing so i go into the living room as noone was answering it and i see an incoming facetime on lilys phone from harry so obviously i could of done the right thing and gave it to her but obviously im not gonna miss my chance to speak to who i think it is so i shout my brother and swipe to answer

"hello lily you there oh whos this" harry says "its me rose lilys sister and your wroetoshaw ahh" she says shouting "what rose why are you shouting" jake says while walking in"its harry look" she says as he comes walking over "hello mate how you doing" harry say "im alright im alright thanks how are you" jake says "im fine thanks ive hesrd many great things about you guys" harry says "really lily talks about us" rose says "yeah she tells me how much you love the sidemen we appreciate it im gonna go now if lilys not around "
harry says as he hangs up

switch to your pov

its 9pm and i realised i've been sleeping for the past couple of hours i turn over to grab my phone and realise its not there so you run downstairs and find it laying on the sofa and see a text from harry saying nice talking to your siblings which confuses you as you havent let them speak to you so you call him "ih it's actually you" harry says "did they phone you or something" you ask "no i facetimed you and they answered" he says "did they say anything embarrassing about me" you ask "no but next time i talk to them i will definitely ask for embarrassing stories" he says which makes you laugh "oo hunny what you laughing at" your mum asks as she walks into the living room peering at your phone "gosh whos that handsome man" she says "its harry" yoy say "oh hey harry" your mum says "hello mrs cooper" he says "call me melissa" she says "this is my mum harry" you say "well its lovely to meet you but i better go before i start pulling out baby photos " she says "god im so sorry my family are so annoying" you say "no its cool i like them they're funny " he says "my sister would probably be crying with happiness if she heard you call her funny" you say while laughing "i saw your interview earlier great interview" he says "thanks i guess its awkward cause they are so invasive but its just what the fans wanna know" you say "eh it's worth the money though isnt it i hesrd interviews pay well" he says "yeah its decent pay to be honest" you say " alright im gonna have to go because my dinners ready so ill call you tomorrow goodnight cooper" he says " good night harry" you say

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