part 12

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its been a couple days since the kiss and harry texted you telling you he wants to talk so you told him to come over to your house

"hey" he says while walking in and sitting down "hi" you say "how are you" he asks "im fine what about you" you say "im good look about the other day im sorry i dont want it to be awkward " he says "oh alright so was it a mistake or did you want to do it" you say "erm i dont think it was a mistake do you" he says "i dont think so" you say while smirking "good cause i wanted to do that for awhile" he says which makes you smile "are you going to jjs fight next weekend" he asks "yeah i think so" you say "alright thsts cool well ive got a sidemen shoot so i will see you later" he says while hugging you and leaving. When he leaves you start jumping up and down with excitement as harry didnt think it was a mistake

its abit later in the day and your just on tiktok scrolling through when you see a clip from the podcast type thing they do on side+ (it was ethan ,josh,harry and tobi)

"so harry everyones seen you with a particular woman recently" ethan says "i saw that too you know" tobi says "dont know who your on about" harry says "would you go there lad" josh asks "course he would its fucking lily cooper he'd be dumb not to" ethan says "guys guys you cant be asking that a man never tells " he says "the fans love you guys though big numbers not gonna lie" tobi says "init 1.2 mil likes for calling her shrek and saying happy birthday rediculous " ethan says "gotta get her on a side+ exclusive people love her" josh says "mate no joke when we where in paris we were walking down the street and this crowd maybe of 30 people or so just came like marching towards us and they all had like flowers and giftbags and stuff so jjs there obviously gassed thinking hes getting stuff so he walks ahead of use and no joke it was so funny they just all went straight to lily and she was bombarded with presents jj definitely got humbled"  tobi says while laughing (and thats where the clip cuts)

you laugh at the clip and keep scrolling and start falling fall asleep for a couple hours until you get woken up by banging on your door you walk over to the door and see harry standing there in the rain so you invite him in (you kind of stare at him admiring how great he looks)

"what are you doing here its like 9pm" you say "just got abit bored" he says "god dont you have like a million friends" you say "yeah but none of them really live in nice big house like this and im not going to ethans as him and faith talk my ears off one at a times alright but both i cant handle" he says which makes you laugh "well what do you wanna do" you say "not sure" he says "well lets go sit down and come up with something" you say while walking towards the living room "i say a clip of you guys talking sbout me on tiktok earlier you said a man never tells about you liking me which is practically admitting you love me" you say "no i just wasnt telling them how much i hate you" he says "so why are you always coming to my house" you say "just want to annoy you cause i hate you so much"  he says "gosh lets just watch a movie before i beat the crap out of you" you say while grabbing your remote and turning on the tv harry was sat next to you unlike your guy's normal seating arrangements being on opposite ends of the sofa. you guys watch (a movie of your choice)
and after the movies finsihed head to the bathroom and when you come back harrys gone so you go around the house looking until you see him laying in your bed
"what the hell are you doing" you say "going to bed come on" he says "i have other bedrooms go in one of them" you say "im comfy and now where not just friends means i can do whatever i want dont have to he that nice" he says "where not just friends?" you ask "well yesh unless you dont want to be" he says "no thats cool alright " you go brush your teeth and get changed and by the time your back harrys already asleep so you awkwardly crawl in jext to him not really knowing what to do.

 you guys watch (a movie of your choice) and after the movies finsihed head to the bathroom and when you come back harrys gone so you go around the house looking until you see him laying in your bed "what the hell are you doing" you say "going to ...

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