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The men manage to be ready to leave the following morning, despite looking worse for wear. The final preparations are being made when I notice Lysander approaching. I call to Androkles, who gladly welcomes him. I'm glad for Androkles' sake that he decided to join us, but adhere to his request to keep a distance. "He said he yearned to return home," Androkles explains, "and the separation released him of any attachment he felt."

The final weeks on the ship are free of peril, but pass slowly. No longer fearful for what will happen after we arrive, I sympathize with the men's impatience to be home. Unfavorable winds prolong the last leg of the journey, causing the men to be agitated and restless.

I feel as though everything has changed since we stopped, but the only tangible difference from before is that Androkles holds me in his arms at night. The sea seems brighter, and I can appreciate the sweetness of each breeze thanks to my now uninhibited happiness.

Androkles seems to feed off my happiness, as well, but his happiness turns to concern as sea sickness takes its hold on me. My usual cure of watching the horizon can't banish the nausea, which comes and goes inexplicably. After several miserable days, I start to wonder whether I've fallen ill. I decide to seek-out remedies in the various herbs Androkles procured for me in Athens. I start with the raspberry leaves, as those often soothe my monthly discomfort. I hold them to my nose and am struck suddenly to realize that I haven't needed them yet. My pulse quickens as I try to sort-out the days in my mind. How long since we left Athens? It was at least before then. Could I be...? I try to push it from my mind, unwilling to get my hopes up. Perhaps my calculations are wrong. Or perhaps the stress of travel is finally taking its toll on my body.

After another week the nausea is still with me, but still my time doesn't come. I make an effort to appear normal to stay Androkles' concern, but can tell he's not convinced. I long to comfort him, but am hesitant to share my theory about my condition until I'm certain.

When a full moon comes and goes and there's still no need for the raspberry leaves, my doubts are gone.

Androkles' expression is pained as I take him aside one evening. I feel my cheeks flush with my secret. He looks at me sideways- skeptical. I can't contain it anymore, and blurt out, "Androkles, I'm with child." His eyebrows raise, but otherwise his face doesn't change. I wait, wondering if he heard me.

"You mean- you're not ill?" he asks finally in disbelief.

I grin and shake my head. "I thought so at first, too. But now I'm sure."

His face lights up and I laugh happily at his surprise. He lifts me up and I wrap my arms around his shoulders. He sets me down and kisses me, then holds me in front of him to look at me, then draws me to him and kisses me again. "Kleomede, you've made me so happy." He presses his forehead against mine, and my heart swells to see tears of happiness in his eyes. He doesn't bother to wipe them away as he turns and announces proudly, "My wife is expecting our child!" For a moment I wonder if anyone will object to my new title, but they only express congratulations and pleasure.

Damon explains to me later, "I believe we have you to thank for Androkles' recent generosity." I'm pleased to hear this, as I've come to consider them as brothers.

"We're all happy for you," Mydon tells me. "We were starting to worry about you-" he winks and adds, "both of you."  


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