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i wanted to hug you, i really did
and i think i wanted it so much that everything else
in that moment
was just a blur, just static, just a background
and i think that, when i pulled in,
my breath was hitched
because i was scared that i'd exhale too hard
or make a sudden movement
or think too loudly or feel too strongly
or do anything and
cause it all to fall apart
but then,
within that,
i felt you lean in just a little bit closer to me, just for a second, and just for a moment i thought that maybe you had the same hesitation,
but as soon as it happened, it was over because my heart was beating too loudly for you to not feel it
and i pulled myself away
because i couldn't stand for you to know it
and i didn't quite meet my eyes with yours
but i swear, honest to god that
ever since that moment, you haven't left my mind, no
not even once
you haven't left my mind even once

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