A Piece of Cake - A Start Over Poem

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Life's a piece of  cake

A mixture of ingredients creating an exquisite result

There are ones one would see most delightful

Mouthwatering at the mere mention

Chocolate, sugar, frosting, you name it!

Yet there are the ones that are reflected as the most unpleasant

Flour? Butter? Eggs?

Alone, these taste revolting

For who would eat flour alone?

Butter just makes you stomach sick!

But imagine your cake without them

Utterly disastrous, it would be

So how would life be, without those unpleasant moments?

That's how life is

A piece of cake

No, not because it is easy

But because you need the right ingredients

Be it pleasant or not

That add up, creating a true masterpiece

For life wouldn't turn out satisfactory

Without the horrid moments we hate

And in the end, everything happens for a reason

But then again, not everyone is so lucky

Not everyone was the right amount of each

Some might have too much of one 

Be it good or bad

So in the end, not everyone

Is satisfied with their cake in the end

Based on my book "Start Over" ^-^

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