Chapter 20

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Pepper: He's really not back yet?

Tony: Nope

Tony: I'm beginning to think I have a new permanent roommate

Pepper: I hope not. :(

Tony cracks a smile at that. Oh, Pepper and her unironic emoticons. It's adorable.

He opens his camera and holds his phone up above him. It takes a bit of maneuvering, but he manages to get a single decent selfie that captures the moment. Tony is lying in bed — somewhat uncomfortably; he hasn't been able to move in the half-hour he's been awake — and Loki is fast asleep next to him, his head resting on Tony's chest.

He sends the picture to Pepper without a caption. What is there to add to it that the picture doesn't already say?

Pepper: I can't believe you let him sleep in your bed.

Tony: It wasn't supposed to last this long

Tony: I thought Thor would be back by now

Tony: Joke's on me I guess

Pepper: Why don't you move him?

Tony: Because if I wake him up again he won't go back to sleep and he needs to sleep

Pepper: How's he doing? Could Thor take him home now?

Tony: I think so

Tony: He said his head hasn't hurt for a few days so probably

Tony: But Thor's not here yet so who knows

Pepper: I hope he comes back soon.

Tony: You and me both

Pepper: It's ridiculous to expect you to look after him this long.

Tony hesitates, fingers hovering over the keyboard awkwardly. It is ridiculous to expect it, but he doesn't really mind it anymore. He'd even go as far as to say he likes having him around. It makes things a little less boring; a little less lonely.

He's spared having to answer by Loki's stirring. He hums quietly as he readjusts his position, moving in closer and throwing an arm lazily over Tony's chest.

Tony raises his brows. At some point, he has to wake up, right? He has to be somewhat lucid. He has to know he's doing this.

"Loki?" Tony says quietly.


"Are you awake?"


Tony cracks a smile at that. He almost believes it. Loki might be conscious, but he doesn't really seem to be awake.

"You, uh..." He eyes Loki's arm wrapped around him. "You wanna let go?"


"You know," Tony tells him, "snuggles are usually reserved for girlfriends and boyfriends." Or, more accurately in his case, one-night stands, but that doesn't sound quite as nice.

"I'm sleeping," Loki mumbles.

"You think you can sleep without clinging to me like a koala?"

"Shhh." Loki buries his face in Tony's shirt.

Okay then.

Tony picks his phone back up and finally texts Pepper back.

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