Chapter 27

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"Sir, Thor and his guest have arrived."

Tony shudders at the reminder.

Thor is here.

And with him, the Queen of Asgard.

But Loki doesn't know that last part, so Tony shoves his nerves down, instead looking over at the god with a smile that does not at all reflect how he's feeling. "Hey, Loki, you've got some visitors."

Loki frowns. "Who is Thor's guest?"

Tony's smile grows more mischievous. "You'll see," he says. To JARVIS, he says, "Let 'em up."

"Yes, sir."

Loki looks at him warily. "I would really like to know who is coming."

"It's a surprise," Tony insists. "You'll love it."

Loki hesitates. "Alright..." He clasps his hands in front of him, nervously wringing them together.

Tony sighs and rests his hand on the god's leg. "It's going to be fun," he says. "It's a good surprise. I promise."

Loki nods, but he doesn't seem convinced. Part of him thinks he should just tell him. Part of him would feel bad, waiting so long to do it but still spoiling the surprise before his mother can see his excitement. So, though he feels bad about it, he doubles down on his secrecy. It will be worth it in the end.

Loki looks down at his sweatpants and t-shirt, then back over at Tony. "Are they one of Thor's friends? Should I change? I can't imagine they—"

"Loki, you're fine," Tony insists. God, this guy needs a Xanax or twenty.

It's only seconds later that he hears the footsteps down the hall, and the anticipation grows. As much as he is not emotionally prepared to meet the Queen of Asgard, he's very excited for Loki to get to talk to his much-needed visitor. After everything he's been through, he deserves the pick-me-up.

Thor comes into the room first, and Loki looks up at him from the couch, a familiar nervousness in his eyes that always seems to appear when Thor does. Hopefully his mother can fix that.

Thor doesn't say anything; he just steps back, a smug smile on his face. He's as excited as Tony, it seems, though he's doing a better job at keeping it lowkey.

And then, finally, the queen steps into the room.

Loki's eyes go wide.

Frigga smiles. "Hello, darling."

Loki's mouth falls slightly agape, but he's silent as he watches her in shock.

"I've missed you more than I can say," she tells him, and as she approaches her son, Tony moves away, joining Thor on the other side of the room and leaving them alone. She kneels down in front of him, nearly at eye level now. "How are you feeling?" she asks, reaching out to touch his arm. "Are you al—"

Loki jerks his arm away the moment she touches it.

Frigga pauses, her arm hovering right where he left it. "Loki, what...?"

"Don't," he says quietly.

Frigga slowly lowers her hand, her forehead creased with worry. "Loki, what is it? What's wrong?"

"Don't," Loki says again, more forceful this time. He stands up and takes a step away from her.

Tony looks up at Thor, torn between confusion and irritation. "I thought you said he'd want to see her," he hisses.

Thor shakes his head helplessly. "I was certain he would."

Frigga slowly stands up, too, her arms held out slightly as if showing him she doesn't mean any harm. "Loki, it's me," she says cautiously. "Your mother."

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