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My heart was broken.

I just lost all access to everyone, unless they call me first, which they will only do once a week.

Until they no longer want to.

I cried the remainder of the bus ride until we stopped at the stop I knew I had to get off at.

As soon as I stepped off, just as I was about to call him, I saw Luke.

Worry was sketched into his face and he didn't hesitate to pull me into a hug, which I immediately broke down crying into.

He squeezed me tightly, rubbing my back as he held me.

"Let's go, kiddo"

He let me cry and talk to him about everything the social worker told me as he drove me home, which he clearly already knew this information, because he didn't even offer to take me to Jolie.


As angry as I was at her for being so irresponsible, I couldn't help but feel so bad for her and want nothing but to comfort her.

I let her hold my hand tightly as he leaned onto the middle console, crying.

"I didn't want her to have to go through that at such a young age" she cried.

I squeezed her hand.

"I'm sorry that I just left without telling anyone- I just needed to protect her- that's my job, I'm supposed to be there to stop this shit from happening to her." She cried out.

I let her cry.

I told her that none of this was her fault.
I told her that Jolie was okay and showed her the picture her social worker had sent me to confirm that she was okay, which made Harley stop crying as much, but she was clearly still upset.

We got home just as the sun went down, I walked her inside, where all the guys were standing, them all knowing the details of what had happened.

They each gave her tight hugs and let her talk, comforting her as she did.

Then we all sat down at the kitchen table

"We have to set down some rules" ashton was the first to say

So we went over the small list of rules we could think of

-Life 360 would now be put on all five of our phones, for more safety than tracking reasons.
-She had to tell us before she went anywhere in a vehicle or walking distance longer than five minutes without us.
-she would give the medicine we were trying to put her on at least two weeks to work before declaring that she didn't want it
-she would follow the rules that the social worker told her
-she would always talk to us before making any rash decisions, no matter the situation

These went over well with her, thankfully.

"I'm sorry again for leaving- I just wasn't thinking-" "you were worried about her, we understand." Michael spoke calmly.

"What you did was brave. You had good intentions of helping her, but you have to realize that you are not invincible, a lot could have happened to you between here and there and that worried us." I finished.

"I'm sorry I worried you guys" she exhaled quietly, rubbing her eyes.

"It's okay, let's just not do it again, okay?" Calum spoke calmly, making her nod in agreement.

After we called her social worker and let her talk to Jolie- just to ease her mind for the night- everything was okay.

Thankfully, Jolie was immediately moved to a single hold house and we could hear her laughing with the foster mom, which seemed to make Harley feel so much better.

She hugged me immediately as they hung up.

"Thank you" she exhaled into my shoulder.

"Let's get you some food, pretty girl"

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