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"So I'll see you tomorrow at five?" I questioned, handing the woman a sticky note with my address on it.

"Yes, you will" she confirmed quietly.

"Thank you" I felt a weight almost lifted off my shoulders.

We walked to Calum's office, where him and Harley were in a deep conversation

"So violence is the answer?" He asked, making me immediately send him a look, telling him to stop as she responded

"For most of the time, yes" she spoke as if it was common sense.

"Harley" I spoke before Calum could.
She looked to me, not much of an expression on her face.

"You're going to have daily therapy at my house starting tomorrow" I informed her, seeing her eyebrows shoot together.

"At your house?" She questioned.

"Yes" I spoke, seeing Calum holding the same, confused expression.

Harley's eyes moved to the foster mom.

"It's fine" the foster mom spoke quietly.

"O-okay" Harley spoke, moving to her feet slowly.

"I will see you at five" I spoke to the two of them as they stood side by side.

"See you then" the foster mom spoke, Harley giving the smallest smile before they both left.

"Therapy- at our house?" Calum spoke slowly.

I sighed

"That kid needs help-" "Shes got anger issues" he interrupted me.

"It's not anger- she isn't angry, it's an emotion thing" I spoke.

He tilted his head, giving me a confused look

"Don't tell me you're doing her therapy for free"

I didn't speak

"Luke" Calum shot out

"What" I spoke back

"Answer me-" "you told me not to tell you" I smiled back, making him laugh lightly- even though he didn't want to.

"I can't believe you" he rubbed his face slowly.

"You'll understand why" I shrugged out.

"I'm just trying to look out for you- you get close to patients quick and I don't want you to get-" "Calum, I just want to help her, she's a damn foster kid, she's going through a lot." I spoke quickly, watching him sigh.

"I'm just not a fan of this idea" he spoke.

"Well I guess that's why she's not your patient"

Once work was finally over, I drove home with Calum, seeing that Ash and Michael were already home and playing with the dogs.

"Hey pretty girl" I spoke to Petunia as she ran up to me, letting me pet her gently.

"Michael, Ashton" Calum yelled out, making their heads peak from around the Kitchen door frame.

"Ask Luke about his new therapy appointments"

I immediately rolled my eyes

"You're not a therapist" michael spoke.

"I have a degree in psychology" I spoke quickly.

"What about the new appointments?" Ashton asked.

"It's at our house" Calum spoke swiftly.

"Multiple appointments?" Ashton questioned slowly.

"No, just one for only an hour, we'll go wherever you guys aren't, you guys won't even know she's here" I spoke swiftly.

"Why not do it in your office?" Michael asked slowly.

"He's doing it for free" Calum spoke.

"Can I tell my own fucking business?" I spoke to Calum, seeing his hands go up as he smiled.

"She's a foster kid" I explained slowly.

"If you guys spoke to her, you'd understand, I'm sorry I offered the house without asking, but I didn't have much time and I needed to make sure I could see her again before letting her go" I spoke.

"I mean, if you feel she needs to talk about stuff, do it." Michael shrugged.

"Yeah, I mean you're a doctor, we all get those gut feelings" Ashton agreed slowly.

I looked to Calum with a smile

"I'll supervise"

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