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Students soon started making their way in and before I knew it, I saw her.

She looked no different

"Oh grace!"  The teacher was ecstatic.

"Harley here is a transfer from-" "Harley" she smiled, interrupting him.

I didn't smile to her.

"I heard about the foster home situation, sorry you lost your home."

The way everyone else viewed it was her actually being sincere.
But I could tell, she was being a bitch.

Normally, I would've said something back, but I couldn't start shit at a brand new school, so I chose to just look away.

I felt her hand touch the top of my desk and she leaned closer as the teacher spoke to the rest of the class about an assignment that was due this morning.

"What happened Har?" She laughed, almost in a whisper, you'd swear she was manic.

I stared to her, never taking my eyes off of hers.

"Not so tough when you don't have the little gremlins?"

The rest of the day, I was somehow in her shadow.

I'll never understand how people think that someone who is such a bitch is worth making "popular".

I ate lunch alone, constantly hearing her speak excessively loud about the fight we had, where I needed "medical attention" after.

If you wouldn't have had that fucking ring on, I wouldn't have.

But that fight also gave me the best people ever, so who's the real loser?

Thankfully, it was soon my last period and I couldn't wait for the guys to come get me.

I was counting down the minutes in my head.

I watched as other students presented projects that they had worked on together, Grace and another girl presenting theirs together.

"Great job girls" the teacher spoke once they were finished, everyone giving a quiet clap for them.

"Mrs.Amanda, do you mind me asking why Harley doesn't have to present anything?" Grace's voice spoke, immediately making me laugh under my breath.

I would've already fought her at the old school.

Just do it, just hit her.

"Harley is a new student, Grace" the teacher reminded her slowly.

"But she has been on our roll call for the past two weeks- doesn't that mean she's in the class? We were only given the project details a week ago" she spoke, making me hum.

I could tell that the teacher didn't know what to do.

"Well, you do have a point, Grace" she mumbled quietly, glancing to me.

"Harley do you have a doctors excuse for the days you missed? Because if not these grades will not be excused and you will need to-" "I can get a doctors excuse." I told her, seeing her nod.

"I'll need that by the end of this week" she smiled to me, making me nod before looking back to Grace.

"Just want to make sure you're all caught up." She smiled to me.


I took the responsibility of picking Harley up after our family meeting this morning, where I was informed that I had to stop "giving her everything she wanted".

I didn't agree with what they told me, but I could see their point of view.
But I can't say that, that was going to stop anything, because she did have my heart in the palm of her hand.

She spent the past few years of her life basically being a mother of a bunch of kids she didn't even know and now she is being forced into regular kid life and I know that isn't easy for her. I wasn't going to make her do something she didn't want to do.

When she got in the car, I could tell she was upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked her slowly, seeing her shake her head.

"I don't want to talk about it."

Her fist were balled up, which is something I hadn't seen her do in so long.

I put on her favorite song at the moment, hoping it would relax her enough to where she would want to talk as I drove her to the hospital.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked as I parked, fearing that she was still mad from this morning, but she shook her head slowly.

She then proceeded to tell me her entire day, which I agree, was shitty.

"So your bully from your old school is at this one?" I asked, seeing her nod slowly.

"Just my luck, right?" She asked, making me exhale slowly.

"But I got the first day over- so I don't have to go back, right?" She asked me quickly.

I almost told her yes before I thought about the talk I had with the guys.

"We have to talk to the guys" I told her and I watched her shoulders drop immediately.

"This entire time you guys told me one day and if I didn't like it, I could go back online-" "I'm not saying it's a no, I'm just saying we have to talk to the guys." I told her slowly, watching her exhale and fall into the seat.

"You should already know that they're going to tell me I have to go for a full week."

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