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I didn't respond to him, I couldn't.

As he went to speak again, Calum entered.

"You're staying overnight for observation, soon- it doesn't have to be tonight, but soon I'm going to get your weight and such, and we will discuss what steps to take after that" he spoke slowly, looking to my chart the entire time.

"Discuss what steps?" I questioned, seeing him look to me.

"Harley" he spoke slowly, crouching to where he was even with my sitting stature.

"It's more than noticeable that you're malnourished" he spoke.

"No I'm not-" "yes you are." He spoke sternly.

"I honestly don't know you're not breaking bones constantly- your body is weak-" "clearly, it isn't," I laughed lightly, showing him my newly bruised and swollen knuckle.

"You fought again?" Luke questioned, disappointment almost running through his tone

I shrugged, letting my gaze drop.

"Just because you've gotten off lucky by not breaking bones doesn't mean you're healthy" Calum spoke, his finger running over my sore knuckle.

I didn't respond, which made him stand, looking to Luke.

"I'm about to clock out, you coming?" He questioned.

"I'm staying" Luke spoke firmly, making Calum nod.

"Call me if you need anything"

"You can go" I spoke as soon as Calum walked out of sight.

"And leave you here alone?" I cocked and eyebrow toward me.

"I'm not scared" I spoke.

"Never said you were" he mumbled back.

"What If I didn't want you to stay?" I questioned.

"I also never gave you a choice"

That made me smile

"We missed therapy today" I pointed out, seeing his head tilt lightly.

"Anything specific you want to talk about?" He asked me.

"Why do people give up kids?"


I was shocked that she actually wanted to talk about something.

"Well, it's different for every kid" I spoke cautiously.

"Some parents can't afford them, some aren't giving them proper care-" "and some are just dicks" she finished for me, making me slowly nod.

"There's a lot of shitty people in the world" I spoke.

"Am I one of those people?" Her voice cracked lightly.

"No Harley, you're the exact opposite-" "even though I fight?" She questioned.

"Answer this for me."

"Are you fighting to protect yourself or someone else?"

"Lately, yes" she spoke quietly.

"You're a good person Harley, I can tell." I assured her.

"You just need help processing things" I told her slowly.

Her head fell back against the bed, her and I made direct eye contact.

"I miss my family" my heart broke for her.

"I'm sorry Harley" I spoke slowly, watching tears well in her eyes, but she never let one fall.

"What sucks the most out of all of it" she spoke slowly

"Is that I had a big and little brother" her voice cracked.

"They kept them- gave me up" she spoke, making me immediately grab her hand, intertwining it with my own

"They always just wanted three boys"

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